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The Church wanted the ordinary people to rely on the clergy for their knowledge of The Bible. This not only meant that the Church could prevent the people from raising questions about the accuracy or authenticity of the Bible, it also meant that people felt dependent on the clergy.

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Q: Why do you think the Church did not want the Bible translated into the vernacular?
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What could people do when Bibles were printed in the vernacular?

When Bibles were printed in the vernacular, the first and most important thing that people could do was to read the Bible for themselves. This lead to some people beginning to question and even doubt what they read in the Bible. In the end, people could think for themselves.

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I don't think she GOES to church but I am sure that she studies \ reads the bible on tour. :)

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The Bible has been translated into so many different languages that it is hard to think of a single country that does not have a Bible in at least its principal language.

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With Bible and Only Bible. Some women think that the Bible doesn't say anything about them and leadership. The Pastor of that church is the head of that church and all women and other men need to fall in behind him. Ask God for the right words and he will give them to you.

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This means many different things depending on the church. Some think of it as a commitment to you coming and attending a church and tithing others think of it as part of your salvation. On top of all these differences, it also depends on what your definition of "church" is. In the Bible, the believers were the church.

Who translated the book of psalms in the king James bible?

Many scholars translated the KJB for King James, but by the time they finished working on it, the language they used was already outdated slightly. I don't think just one scholar translated the Psalms, I think it was more of a collective thing.

Where is the first made Bible?

I think that the Smithsonian in Washington, D. C. has one of the early ones that were printed. The first books of the Bible were handwritten and copied over the past few thousand years on papyrus, scrolls and other materials. The early church put them into book form--the Bible--and they were mostly in Greek. Later, they were translated into different languages and began to be printed once the printing press was invented.

Why is denomination of the church bad?

In my opinion, I don't find it bad, or good. Denomination, i think, separates the church itself (the Christians). Some denominations teach against the Bible. As long as the church teaches only the Bible and its Truth, i wouldn't call it "bad". ----God bless!----

Is visual bible Gospel of john available with Chinese subtitles?

think so try asking your local church :)

Why does the pope sometimes contradict what the Bible says?

The pope never contradicts the Bible. He may contradict what certain groups, particularly Protestants, THINK the Bible says. The Magisterium of the Church has the final say as to how Catholics should interpret the Bible.

What do people think of Catholic beliefs?

Chrsitians believe that we stole the Bible from them when actually they took the Bible from us and they think that we Catholics care too much for the Bible. (example: when we drop the Bible, we kiss the Bible).Roman Catholic AnswerCatholic people believe that they are in the Church that Our Blessed Lord founded, and are trying to do their best to do God's Will. They believe that they beliefs were taught to them by the Church which is God's voice in the world and their best chance to lead a happy life and go to heaven when they die.

What was the Influence for King Henry VIII turning the bible into English for the Church of England?

it wasnt king henry who translated the scriptures to english, it was a man named william, he wanted to broaden the teachings of the gosple to the english, so he translated the greek writings and in doing so he was burnt alive upon a steak, make you think about all the sacraficis it took for us to have salvation today huh?