Could anyone List 10 places that databases are used?
Databases are used all over the place for many purposes.
Databases take many forms as well. Whereever data is stored, one
could argue that it's a database. So here are just a few places...
1) Schools use databases to track students, enrollment, grades, and
report cards. 2) Banks use database to track money in accounts and
transactions to those accounts. 3) Stores use databases to keep
track of inventory and current prices. 4) Phone companies use
databases to keep track of your phone usage and the accounting of
charges to you. 5) Doctors use databases to track patients. 6)
Electric companies use databases to track power usage and bill
customers. 7) Internet service providers use databases (DNS
servers) to convert the website addresses (like
http:\\\) to IP addresses such as,
that computers use to find and communicate with other computers on
the internet. 8) Online auction websites use databases to track the
products being auctioned, the users, the bids, and the payment of
those transactions. 9) Government uses databases to track tax
payers and the payments they make, or fail to make. 10) uses a database to track these questions and
answers. There are many more uses for databases. Databases usually
need to be customized for each use. There are generic databases
that are intended for specific purposes that are available as
prepackaged software, but most of the examples provided above are
typically built as custom solutions. QuickBooks, TurboTax, Quicken,
and Microsoft Money, are all examples of non-custom databases that
are reusable for many people for similar purposes.