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Q: Why do they use forms in databases?
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What did companies use before they had databases?

they used forms

What are the different between form and report?

Forms put information into databases. Reports bring out information from databases

Is Excel an example of a relational database?

No. It is a spreadsheet application. You can do simple databases in it, but it is not designed to create complex databases like relational databases. To do that you would use an actual database application.

What are the companies that use encrypted databases?

There are many thousands of companies that use encrypted databases. All banks use them.

Why do mobile phones use databases?

Mobile apps use databases for much the same reasons desktop and web applications do. Databases allow you to store data in a secure place so you can access it later. However, apps cannot directly use external databases to store this data.

Why do you think databases are so important to an organization?

Because you love to cheat on your discussion forms

Do doctors use databases?


What databases do doctors use?


Could anyone List 10 places that databases are used?

Databases are used all over the place for many purposes. Databases take many forms as well. Whereever data is stored, one could argue that it's a database. So here are just a few places... 1) Schools use databases to track students, enrollment, grades, and report cards. 2) Banks use database to track money in accounts and transactions to those accounts. 3) Stores use databases to keep track of inventory and current prices. 4) Phone companies use databases to keep track of your phone usage and the accounting of charges to you. 5) Doctors use databases to track patients. 6) Electric companies use databases to track power usage and bill customers. 7) Internet service providers use databases (DNS servers) to convert the website addresses (like http:\\\) to IP addresses such as, that computers use to find and communicate with other computers on the internet. 8) Online auction websites use databases to track the products being auctioned, the users, the bids, and the payment of those transactions. 9) Government uses databases to track tax payers and the payments they make, or fail to make. 10) uses a database to track these questions and answers. There are many more uses for databases. Databases usually need to be customized for each use. There are generic databases that are intended for specific purposes that are available as prepackaged software, but most of the examples provided above are typically built as custom solutions. QuickBooks, TurboTax, Quicken, and Microsoft Money, are all examples of non-custom databases that are reusable for many people for similar purposes.

How do you teach database?

First you have to learn about databases yourself. Once you have done that you also need to learn how to teach. Then you are ready to start teaching people about databases. You start with the basics, like what a database is and what fields and records are. You teach people about data types. You show them how to use an actual database application and create a simple database. You show them how to do other things like sorting, filtering, creating queries, creating reports, creating forms and many other things. You teach them about more complex things, such as normalisation, relational databases, distributive databases, linking databases to other databases and other applications, administering databases, integrating databases with programs.. There are all of these and many other things you can teach. You may specialise in one area of databases.

Is true that Databases are intelligent enough to automatically include all the ways in which a word may be written?

Databases do not automatically include all variations of a word. Users typically need to input specific queries or use filters to search for different forms of a word. However, some databases may have features like stemming or wildcards that can help retrieve variations of a word.

How does tesco use databases?

Cause there awsome