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Q: Why do scientists repeat quantitative experiments?
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Why might a scientists repeat an experiment?

Scientists repeat their experiments because to make sure that their results are correct.

Why do scientist do experiments over?

Scientists repeat experiments to test whether results are consistent and reliable.

Why do scientists repeat experiments?

Scientists repeat experiments for reliability. The experiment must be repeated for the scientist to develop a theory. One experiment does not prove your hypothesis correct; therefore, it must be done a several times.

Is it true scientists should not repeat experiments to see if thir data is reproducible?

no. experiments should be repeatd

Why might scientist repeat an experiment?

Scientists repeat their experiments because to make sure that their results are correct.

Why do scientists repeat other researchers experiment?

Scientists repeat others' experiments to double check their findings as well as to find new information that might have been missed initially.

What is the term used for scientists repeating their experiments in order to reduce error chance?

Repeat testing

Why do scientists repeat?

Scientists repeat experiments for reliability. The experiment must be repeated for the scientist to develop a theory. One experiment does not prove your hypothesis correct; therefore, it must be done a several times.

What is the primary reason scientists repeat the measurements they take during experiments?

Scientists repeat measurements during experiments to ensure the reliability and accuracy of their results. By taking multiple measurements, they can identify and account for any errors or inconsistencies in their data, leading to more robust and trustworthy conclusions.

Why should quantitative experiments be repeated?

Quantitative experiments should be repeated to make sure they are accurate. This also helps to get rid of outliers in the experiment.

Why do scientists encourage other scientists to review and repeat their experiments so that their hypotheses may become?

Scientists encourage review and repetition of experiments to ensure the reliability and validity of their findings. By having others replicate their experiments, scientists can confirm that the results are consistent and not due to chance or bias. This process helps to strengthen the scientific community's understanding and confidence in the hypotheses proposed.

What is it called when scientist repeat experiments to reduce errors?

This practice is known as replication. By conducting multiple trials and replicating experiments, scientists can minimize errors and increase the reliability of their results.