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They have far more important things to focus on than handwriting. It's more like they don't care to be more presentable to the lesser mortals.

Very very very true.

They're introverts!

Alternative answer approach: What data might you have to suggest that geniuses have terrible handwriting? This technique of asking a question assuming that the topic of the question is a fact with no supporting documentation is a common method of Propaganda.

Sadly for the country, the recent (2010) elections was fraught with such techniques.

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This will depend on an individual's definition of "genius" but it is doubtful. There is a stereotype that doctors all have bad handwriting, for example, but that is not true (and some people would argue that they are intelligent but not necessarily geniuses). There have been many brilliant people throughout history who have had fairly good handwriting. In addition, the standards of handwriting have changed drastically through the years. Many, many years ago, you used to be considered extremely intelligent if you could write at all! There have also been different styles of writing (think of cursive versus print) and those affect handwriting as well. In short, some people who are geniuses may not have the most attractive handwriting but most of the time it is passable. Having bad handwriting is neither necessary nor sufficient for genius. An interesting exception is Leonardo da Vinci, who wrote with "mirror writing" (where he literally wrote so it could only be read in a mirror).

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