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Q: Why did Simon offer money to Peter and John?
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Who was Peter's father?

Simon Peter was referred to by Jesus in Matthew 16:17 as Simon Barjona. Bar means "son of" so Simon Peter's father's name was Jona.

What was Saint Peter's last name?

Saint Peter's last name was not typically used or recorded. In the Bible, he is referred to as Simon Peter or simply Peter.

What was Peter's original last name in the bible?

Peter was originally named Simon. Jesus changed his name to Peter (or Cephas in Greek), which means "the rock". Peter's name was Simon Bar-Jonah, which means Simon son of Jonah (or John in Greek).

Which of Jesus' disciples were fishermen?

Simon(Peter) and John. Also, James and Andrew were fishermen.

Who are the three apostles in jesus' inner circle?

Jesus was closet to Peter, John, and James.

Who were first two disciples?

Matthew says Simon Peter then Andrew.Mark says Simon Peter then James.Luke says Simon Peter then Andrew.Acts says Peter then James.Answer #2According to John 1:35-45 the first two disciples of Jesus were disciples of John the Baptist of which Andrew was mentioned who then went to his brother Simon Peter.Then Philip followed by Nathanael (aka Bartholomew).

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Which of these was the brother of Andrew John the Baptist or the apostle John?

Neither, as it was Simon Peter as Andrew's brother.

The names of the 12 diciples?

The 12 disciples are: Peter, Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, Matthew, James the Less, Thaddeus, Simon, and Judas Iscariot.

Who swam to the seashore to meet Jesus?

John 21:7 - Therefore that disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter, "It is the Lord!" Now when Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he put on his outer garment (for he had removed it), and plunged into the sea.[NKJV]

Is Judas Iscariot the son of Simon?

John's gospel names Simon Iscariot as Judas' father. (This was not the same Simon who became a disciple of Jesus and was renamed Peter.)

What happened when Jesus first met Simon-Peter?

Actually John says Peter and his brother Andrew were the disciples of John the Baptist, so when he met jess he left his nets and followed him, Jesus said you are Simon I shall call you Peter, The Rock.On this Rock I will build my church.