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Because there are 39 clues you have to find before you win the game. I hope it makes sense to you.

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Q: Why did Rick call it the 39 clues?
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Why did Rick Riordan call the books 39 clues?

because the story is based on a race between 4 family branches to find the 39 clues

Did Rick Riordan make the thrity nine clues series?

Rick Riordan only wrote the first 39 Clues book.

Who made up The 39 Clues series?

Rick Riordan

Who was the author of the first book in The 39 Clues series?

Rick Riordan

Who wrote the first book of 39 clues series?

Rick Riordan

Who is the illustrator of the 39 clues?

The illustrator of "The 39 Clues" series is different for each book, as there are multiple contributing artists throughout the series. Some of the illustrators include Rick Riordan, David Pittu, and Scholastic Inc.'s in-house team.

Whoz the author of the 39 clues book the maze of bones?

Rick Riordan

Why did you call it The 39 Clues?

The 39 clues is a hunt for 39 clues. It is about Amy and Dan, two orphans, who choose to take part in the 39 clues that can change their life and even make them the most powerful people in the world. My agent card code P2FHHNDHXP

How many series has Rick Riordan wrote?

He wrote a few as he wrote Percy Jackson series, and that Tres Navarre series, and the 39 clues and a beginning a book call Red Pyramid

Who published the 39 clues maze of bones?

Rick Riordon, author of the Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief.

Who is the athuor of pery Jackson?

The author of Percy Jackson is Rick Riordan, also authoe of the 39 Clues and The Red Pyramid.

Will Avi write any of the 39 clues books?

No, Avi did not write any of the 39 Clues books. The series was created by Rick Riordan, and various other authors such as Gordon Korman, Jude Watson, and Peter Lerangis contributed to the series.