The Bible only has about 50 thousand years of history.
Answer:The "ages" of man's alleged "evolutionary development" [ice, stone, iron, bronze, etc - ???'cave'???] as taught in the history books of modern public schools and universities aren't supported in the Bible, which speaks of man's "special creation" in "one 24-hour day.""So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them... And there was evening, and there was morning -- the sixth day." (Gen.1:27-31 NIV)
Mankind's imagined history of an age [or ages] of "cave men" who lived socially and solely in caves isn't mentioned or supported in God's Word... because "man was created physically and intellectually in one day."
There are hundreds of men mentioned in the Bible.
There are 956 men mentioned in the bible.
1568 times
It is never mentioned as a third(3rd) or separate being of the Godhead. This is an attempt by men to define the Godhead. It is mentioned quite frequently as God's Spirit (My Spirit) and the Spirit of Christ.
There are two. Jesus (the son of God), and Bar-Jesus, the Jewish sorcerer and false prophet who is mentioned in Acts 13:6.
There are hundreds of men mentioned in The Bible.
There are hundreds of men mentioned in the Bible.
There are 956 men mentioned in the bible.
Because the bible dose not belive in evolution and cave men evolved
You need to ask an Evolutionist this question as 'cave' men are not Scriptural. According to the bible cave men did not exist.
1568 times
Matthew 2:11
In the bible, the first wicked man was Adam after he was banished from the Garden of Eden. This was in the Book of Genesis.
The Bible does not say, and they are not mentioned again after they left to return to their own land.
The Bible does not state that men are better than women. There are many women mentioned in the Bible that are fine examples for their faith and devotion to Almighty God. However, the Bible does state that certain roles are for men, and not for women. Such as those serving in the priesthood.
One time. It is mentioned in the book of 1 Peter.
All the bible says that there were three wise men, who gave what is not mentioned or their names either.