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The book of Amos is written by the prophet Amos, he was a herdsmen before god called him.

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Q: Who wrote the book of Amos in the bible?
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Did Amos from the bible have children?

There is no record of any children that Amos, who wrote the book of Amos, had. But there is another Amos in the genealogy of Jesus, in Luke 3.25

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The book after Micah in the bible is Nahum.

When was the prophet Amos born?

It is not known how old Amos was when he the book bearing his name, but an approximation can be made. In his Study Bible (p. xxiv) John MacArthur date Amos to ca. 755BC, so if he was 45 when he wrote the book of Amos this would make him born about 800BC.

Where in the bible does God call on Amos?

In the book of Amos (8:2, for example).

What is a book in the Bible that starts with the letter A?

Amos Acts

Which two books of the Bible have names that start with the letter A?

The Book of Amos and the Book of Acts.

What type of book is Amos in the bible?

This book in the Hebrew Bibles is called "Sepher Amos", the Book of Amos; and, in the Vulgate Latin and Syriac versions, the Prophecy of Amos. This person, Amos is not the father of Isaiah, as some say. There are no family details regarding, Amos except that this man was a country farmer and herdsman.

What is the Book of the Bible starting with A?

Amos and Acts are the two Books that start with an "A."

What bible verses encouraged Amos fortune in the book Amos fortune free man?

In the book Amos Fortune, free man, Amos was encouraged by some Bible verses. On page 41, it says: "Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood, and hath made us Kings and priests unto God..." There are more, but that was an important one to Amos.

What was your first book you wrote?

the bible