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The New World Translation was produced by the New World Bible Translation Committee, formed in 1947. This committee is said to have comprised unnamed members of multinational background. The New World Bible Translation Committee requested that the Watch Tower Society not publish the names of its members, stating that they did not want to "advertise themselves but let all the glory go to the Author of the Scriptures, God," adding that the translation, "should direct the reader... to... Jehovah God". The publishers believe that "the particulars of [the New World Bible Translation Committee's members] university or other educational training are not the important thing" and that "the translation testifies to their qualification".

Former high ranking Watch Tower staff, including former Governing Body member Ray Franz, have claimed knowledge of the translators' identities and education. This a list that they have revealed:

Franz, Frederick

Probably the only person to actually translate. Franz was a liberal arts student at the University of Cincinnati:

21 semester hours of classical Greek, some Latin.

Partially completed a two-hour survey course in Biblical Greek in junior year.

Self-taught in Spanish, biblical Hebrew and Aramaic

Gangas, George

No training in biblical languages. Gangas was a Turkish national who knew Modern Greek. Translated Watchtower publications into Modern Greek.

Henschel, Milton

No training in biblical languages.

Klein, Karl

No training in biblical languages.

Knorr, Nathan

No training in biblical languages

Schroeder, Albert

No training in biblical languages. Schroeder majored in mechanical engineering for three years before dropping out.

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What is the difference between the new world translation and the New Testament?

the new world translation has gods personal name in it.

What is the difference between the World English Translation and the New International Version of the Bible?

The World English Translation is a 'word-for-word' translation in modern English. This Bible includes Apocryphal and Deuterocanonical books. The New International Version is a 'thought-for-thought' translation in English - created in mid 1960s. It does not include additional writings.

How true is the New World Translation from Jehovah Witnesses?

It is an inaccurate translation and reflects their peculiar beliefs, not what the original words actually say. Obviously, you would get a different answer from a Jehovah's Witness.Answer from one of Jehovah's WitnesssThe New World Translation has indeed broken with tradition in many of its renditions of verses, but has done so respecting the original meanings of the Hebrew/Greek text. It is a semi-literal translation meaning it tries to stay as close as possible to the original language while staying understandable to the modern reader. How "true" it is is best addressed by qualified bible scholars, a number of whole reviews can be found below:** The New Catholic Encyclopedia (Refering to the NWT reference edition): "[Jehovah's Witnesses'] translation of the Bible [has] an impressive critical apparatus. The work is excellent [...]"**Jason BeDuhn, an associate professor of religious studies, Northern Arizona University : "..the general public and many Bible scholars assume that the differences in the New World Translation (NW) are due to religious bias on the part of its translators. However, he states: "Most of the differences are due to the greater accuracy of the NW as a literal, conservative translation." While BeDuhn disagrees with certain renderings of the New World Translation, he says that it emerges as "the most accurate of the translations compared," calling it a "remarkably good" translation. Truth in Translation: Accuracy and Bias in English Translations of the New Testament, 2004.**New World Translation has been found to be "one of the most accurate English translations of the New Testament currently available" and is "the most accurate of the [8 major] translations compared."-Truth in Translation: Accuracy and Bias in English Translations of the New Testament by Jason BeDuhn, associate professor of religious studies at Northern Arizona University, in Flagstaff, Arizona**Andover Newton Quarterly of January 1963 said: "The translation of the New Testament is evidence of the presence in the movement of scholars qualified to deal intelligently with the many problems of Biblical translation."**As Theologian C. Houtman explains regarding the unorthodoxy of the New World Translation: "Various traditional translations of important terms from the original text have been discarded, apparently in order to arrive at the best possible understanding."**REGARDING the New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures, Edgar J. Goodspeed, translator of the Greek "New Testament" in An American Translation, wrote in a letter dated December 8, 1950: "I am interested in the mission work of your people, and its world wide scope, and much pleased with the free, frank and vigorous translation. It exhibits a vast array of sound serious learning, as I can testify."**Professor Benjamin Kedar, a Hebrew scholar in Israel, said in 1989: "In my linguistic research in connection with the Hebrew Bible and translations, I often refer to the English edition of what is known as the New World Translation. In so doing, I find my feeling repeatedly confirmed that this work reflects an honest endeavor to achieve an understanding of the text that is as accurate as possible."**Hebrew and Greek scholar Alexander Thomson wrote: "The translation is evidently the work of skilled and clever scholars, who have sought to bring out as much of the true sense of the Greek text as the English language is capable of expressing."-The Differentiator, April 1952, pages 52-7.** "I have never discovered in the 'New World Translation' [of the Hebrew Scriptures] any biased intent to read something into the text that it does not contain" -- Professor Benjamin Kedar, Hebrew University of Jerusalem** In its review of Bible translations released from 1955 to 1985, The HarperCollins Bible Dictionary listed the New World Translation as one of the major modern translations.

Where is the name janis mentioned in the Bible?

Janis does not appear in my English New World Translation of the Bible.

How many times is the word pray used in New Living Translation of the Bible?

If you meant the New WORLD Translation. Variants of the word 'pray; prayed; praying; prayer; prays; prayers' are approx 300 times.

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What is the difference between the new world translation and the New Testament?

the new world translation has gods personal name in it.

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When was New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures created?

New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures was created in 1961.

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The New World Translation is a TRANSLATION- it was translated from the original Hebrew and Greek, and finished in 1961. It is not a modern English paraphrase of the King James of 1611.

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Christopher Columbus wrote many letters describing his voyages to the New World.

Is there any verse in the Book of Hebrews saying the world is flat?

No, there is not. The Greeks did not believe the world was flat, and they wrote the New Testament.

How old is The New World Translation bible?

The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (NWT) was published by the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society in 1961. You can do the math from whatever year you read this answer.

Are the Jehovah wittness who use new world translation scriptures?


What is the Jehovah's Witnesses bible?

The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures.

What is the Hebrew translation for new world?

olam chadash (עולם חדש)

What is the difference between the World English Translation and the New International Version of the Bible?

The World English Translation is a 'word-for-word' translation in modern English. This Bible includes Apocryphal and Deuterocanonical books. The New International Version is a 'thought-for-thought' translation in English - created in mid 1960s. It does not include additional writings.

When was the New World Translation published?

From the wikipedia entry''The New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures was released at a convention of Jehovah's Witnesses at Yankee Stadium, New York, on August 2, 1950. The translation of the Old Testament, which Jehovah's Witnesses refer to as the Hebrew Scriptures, was released in five volumes in 1953, 1955, 1957, 1958, and 1960. The complete New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures was released as a single volume in 1961, and has since undergone minor revisions.''