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Q: Who was responcible for writing the Almagest?
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Who was resposible for writing the almagest?


How do you trick your parents into getting you another dog?

you show how responcible you are but i have bin asking fora year and the same answer is if you show your responcible

When was the Almagest created?

The Almagest, a treatise on astronomy was written in the second century A. D. Its author, Claudius Ptolemy, lived in Egypt and wrote in Greek.

What is an almagest?

An almagest is a comprehensive treatise on astronomy, alchemy, geography and/or mathematics, originally referring to the one compiled by Ptolemy around 150 CE.

Which Greek is known for the astronomical treatise almagest?


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yes but if it crashes ur responcible 4 it

What are historic books?

Books that are part of human history such as the Bible or the Almagest.

Which astronomer published a mathematical and astronomical treatise called the Almagest?


Who is the astronomer that wrote the almagest?

The astronomer who wrote the Almagest is Claudius Ptolemy, a Greek mathematician, astronomer, and geographer who lived in the 2nd century AD. The Almagest is a comprehensive mathematical and astronomical treatise that served as the primary source of knowledge about astronomy for more than a thousand years.

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its responcible for removing wastes producted by the body(: -love Lauren

When did Ptomely publish the book called the Almagest?

i dont know do you? work harder

What were Egyptian discoveries in astronomy?

The Great contribution to astronomy from ancient Egypt was the Almagest.