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Probably the murderous King Herod who said to the wise men in Matthew 2:8 "....and when ye have found him (that is, Jesus) bring me word again, that I may come and worship him." Herod of course had no worshipful intention but rather wanted to find out where Jesus was so he could kill him.

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Q: Who told the first lie in the New Testament?
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Who told the first lie man or woman?

It was Eve.

What was the first lie told by Adam?

It depends which fantasy you believe in

Who is the first man that tells a lie?

The first lie was told by Cain to God. God asked Cain where his brother, Abel, was. Cain told God that he did not know, then posed the famous question: "Am I my brother's keeper?".

What new testament man did Satan provoke to lie to the holy spirit?

Ananias and later his wife, Sapphira.

What is Fred told johnny a lie in active voice?

Fred told Johnny a lie.

How do you change Fred told jhonny a lie as a passive voice?

A lie was told to Johnny by Fred.

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lie as in told a lie

What happens when the narcissist's get caught in there lies?

They lie some more....the N I'm married to will lie about the lie he lied to cover up the lie about the lie he lied....and then lie again... New answer-They say you are having too much imagination and then they lie again explaining the other lies with new lies....mine told me i should go ahead and write a fiction book ....

What is a sentence using the word lie?

As a noun: He told a lie when he said he loves me.As a verb: I had to lie down after that hectic morning.

How can make my comment pertaining to this sentence U'll only create other footprints if you try to conceal the ones you made earlier?

If you told a lie and about to get caught, the lies you will need to tell to cover your first lie will me worse than the first lie.

What was the first recorded sin in the life of the New Testament church?

The first recorded sin in the New Testament church was the deception of Ananias and Sapphira in Acts 5:1-11. They lied about the proceeds from selling a piece of property, leading to their untimely deaths as a consequence of their dishonesty. This event served as a warning to the early church about the seriousness of deceit and hypocrisy.

Is the word lie a verb?

Yes, lie is a verb.Examples:Go lie down!You lied to me!Lie is also a noun.Example:You told a lie.