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Call a suicide helpline:

*The National Suicide Helpline

*A local suicide hotline.

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Q: Who to call when you want to kill yourself?
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What happens in a hospital when you say to them you want to kill yourself or someone else?

You will be admitted

You electrocuted yourself because you wanted to kill yourself. Is there something wrong with you?

If you tried to kill yourself, you must feel pretty terrible. If so, then yes -- something is wrong. My question for you then is, have you tried all the things you want to try yet? Used up your credit limit in credit cards? Visited the places you never saw but want to? Before killing yourself, you might want to try some of these things, and it might also give you a little time to think and see if this is the course you want to follow.

How do you convince your parents to let you kill yourself?

There is no possible way to convince a person who loves you, especially people who love you as deeply as your parents, to let you kill yourself. They understand your worth and love you, and want the best for you. And the best for you is to live without the want to kill yourself and without depression. Suicide is not the answer. Please listen to them, and talk to them. You should also talk to a counselor. Remember that suicide is something you can never take back and can never be undone, and your problems can be fixed.

Will stabbing yourself in the heart always kill you?

Do not kill yourself! Stabbing in the heart can give you serious injuries

How do you know if your thoughts are suicidal?

If your thoughts are of how to kill yourself, wanting to kill yourself, and/or thinking it would be better if you were not alive then your thoughts are suicidal.

Related questions

What to say when someone tells you to kill yourself?

i will say yhat she doesn't want to survive

How do you know if you are sucidal?

If you want to kill yourself or attempt to kill yourself, you are suicidal. If you think you are suicidal, i suggest contacting a suicide hotline

What does 'want to commit suicide' mean?

To "want to commit suicide" means to want to kill yourself.

Is suicide bad?

Yes because it's where you kill yourself. If you kill yourself, God will send you to Hell. God doesn't want you to kill yourself. He wants you to appreciate your life with happiness. That's all.

If a girl doesnt want you to kill your self what does it mean?

that they care about you, maybe they love you or both Or maybe they don't want you to oh idk...KILL Yourself!

Where can you find mold and mildew cleaners?

Do you mean a chemical you can purchase yourself? Or a professional?If you want to purchase something yourself, go to a hardware store and ask for an affective spray to kill mold and mildew. I recommend a product called sporocidin.If you want a professional, call a local carpet cleaner.

What name can you call yourself on ps3?

Anything you want that is not taken.

What happens in a hospital when you say to them you want to kill yourself or someone else?

You will be admitted

How do you kill a raccoon in your home?

You dont want to kill them. You wanna call a professional like us . we will trap and relocate them.

How do you clear xp in minecraft?

I do not know why you would want to clear your XP, but if you do, kill yourself In-Game.

How do you kill the ghost?

u cant kill the ghost until they passover.we can see them feel them but not kill them.. ghost only need help from us..or they are lonely.they want someone to understand them. - Call the Ghostbusters - call me on 040106783

If you're trying to kill yourself and you don't want to die what's the best suicide?

Umm... Not dying?