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Q: Who is the first englishman to suggest rational steps for a scientific Method?
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The first englishman to suggest rational steps for a scientific method?

Francis Bacon is typically credited as the first Englishman to suggest rational steps for a scientific method in his work "Novum Organum" in the early 17th century. In it, he outlined a systematic approach to experimentation, observation, and reasoning to acquire knowledge about the natural world. Bacon's emphasis on empirical evidence and inductive reasoning laid the foundation for the scientific method as we know it today.

Why is the scientific method is and why it is important?

The scientific method is a rational way to solve a problem.

What is the scientific method for hypertension?

There is no such thing as "scientific method for hypertension". The scientific method is a process, utilization of which leads to rational, testable explanations for natural phenomena. Hypertension is an ailment.

What is the point of the scientific method?

It yields rational, provable, repeatable knowledge.

Is the scientific method a process of rational thought or common sense?

yes... yes it is

Can the scientific method be used to test supernatural phenomena?

Yes, the scientific method can be used to test supernatural phenomena. So far studies conducted in a scientific manner suggest that supernatural occurrences do not exist.

When talking about the scientific method you suggest that water could accelerate the growth of bread mold This is an?


How did the scientific revolution change during the scientific revolution?

The scientific method was developed as a means of probing how things actually worked. This rational approach to explaining the natural world, replaced magical explanations and religious dogma.

How did Descartes help to shape the scientific method?

He had the idea that it is through rational thought (not experience) that we gain knowledge. So he thought people should question scientic hypotheseis using deductive reasoning to help achieve more clarity in the scientific method. (His ideas are in the book "Discourse on Method")

What was the goal of the scientific method developed by Bacon and Descartes?

The goal of the scientific method developed by Bacon and Descartes was to establish a systematic approach to acquiring knowledge through observation, experimentation, and logical reasoning. They emphasized the importance of empirical evidence and rational thinking in understanding the natural world. Their methods laid the foundation for modern scientific inquiry.

What is the significance of scientific method?

what is the significance of scientific method?what is the significance of scientific method?

How did the idea change during the scientific revolution?

The scientific method was developed as a means of probing how things actually worked. This rational approach to explaining the natural world, replaced magical explanations and religious dogma.