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Invented the typewriter in the United States utilizing the QWERTY keyboard

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Q: Who invented the order of the alphabet on the typewriter keyboard?
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What country is spelled on typewriter keyboard?

Mexico is spelled on a typewriter keyboard using the keys in the following order: M-E-X-I-C-O.

Is qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm all the alphabet?

Yes, that is the complete English alphabet in the order seen on a keyboard.

Did the first typewriter have the keyboard in alphabetical order?

yes, and the hammers jammed a lot.

Are the keys on a keyboard in order?

No, the keys on a typical computer keyboard are not in the order of the alphabet. Two popular keyboard designs (based on the order of letters on the first row) are QWERTY and DVORAK.

Qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm stands for what?

It's all the letters of the alphabet on a keyboard in order from left to right, top row to bottom.

Where would you find these letters in order qwertyuiop?

On a computer keyboard, this is why they are called 'qwerty' keyboards

Who designed the keboard and decoded to make the alphabet out of order?

The original typewriter keyboard listed the letters in alphabetical order. However fast typists were able to cause frequent hammer clash jams. When 2 or more hammers clashed, they locked together, requiring the typist stop and untangle the jammed hammers. The keyboard was rearranged in the US to the QWERTY format to place frequently used letters in English spelling apart to reduce the chance of hammer clash jams. Purely a mechanical decision. IIRC, a typewriter experimenter/designer named Sholes developed the QWERTY layout in 1873, after which he sold his patents to Remington.

Who discovered the computer keyboad?

Depends on WHICH keyboard you're asking about. Christopher Latham Sholes invented the QWERTY keyboard in 1875 when he produced the first commercial typewriter. The name of QWERTY derives from the first six characters on the top alphabetic line of the keyboard. the order of the keyboard consists of the letters you use most on the homerow (asdfghjkl;) But there were other keyboards ahead of that. Piano keyboards for instance. And straight off alphabetical keyboards.

What was invented before 1970?

Women. The cotton gin. Fire. The typewriter. The printing press. Religion. Not necessarily in that order. The radio, the fridge, the telephone, electricity, the iron and matorcar were all invented in the 1920's.

What year was the ABC song invented?

The ABC song was invented in the year 1835 by Charles Bradley. This was a way to teach children there alphabet and sing to remember the letters in order.

Why are the keys on the keyboard out of order and who did it?

the order of the keys was selected to reduce the chance of hammer clash jams on early typewriters. Sholls invented the QWERTY order used on american typewriters.

Is there anything in alphabet order?

yea, the alphabet