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Q: Who invented the method of deduction in mathematics?
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What is error deduction?

the inspection of a part dutring and after production to assembly line a linear method of manufacturing in which the object being error deduction

Who is the inventor of mathematics?

Math was not invented by a single person. Different people discovered or invented different areas of mathematics.

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Who is the father of deduction and reduction?

The father of deduction is often attributed to Aristotle, who introduced deductive reasoning in his work on logic. Reduction is a method used in mathematics and philosophy, and there isn't necessarily a single individual credited with being its "father."

What was isaac newtons contrabution to mathematics?

Newton "invented" "applied mathematics" and calculus.

Why is it important that the babylonians invented mathematics?

It is important that someone invented a system of studying mathematics. Whether it was the Babylonians is not important - except perhaps to them.

What is deduction in biological method?

Deduction in the biological method involves making logical predictions based on established principles or theories, and then testing these predictions through experiments or observations to either support or refute them. It is a process of reasoning from general principles to specific instances in order to draw valid conclusions in the field of biology.

Who invented matrix in mathematics?

J.J sylvester

What is the definition of biological method observation hypothesis experiment deduction and universal law?

Biological method is a systemized way to solve a biological problem.

Branch of mathematics that deals with the method of summation or adding together the effects of varrying quantities?

quantitative mathematics algebra

Who invented vedic mathematics?

Bharati Krishna Tirthaji

Who invented mensuration in mathematics?

The ancient Egyptians.