

Who invented the balance scale?

Updated: 9/11/2023
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13y ago

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basim erzouki invented the balance scale

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Q: Who invented the balance scale?
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Were was the balance scale invented?

Ancient or prehistoric times

What is one interesting fact about Basim Erzouki?

he invented the balance scale

When was the balance scale invented and who invented it?

Balance scales have been around too long for there to be any record of who thought about it first. Most likely they were invented in several different places quite unrelated to each other.

What is the difference pan scale balance scale?

balance scale balance things. oan scale dosent

When was the balance scale invented?

Balance scales have been around too long for there to be any record of who thought about it first. Most likely they were invented in several different places quite unrelated to each other.

Can a scale measure balance?

No, it only can measure weight.

Inventor of the beam balance scale?

The inventor of the balance scale is philipp von jolly

When was the Beaufort scale invented?

The Beaufort scale was invented in 1805 by Sir Francis Beaufort, a Royal Navy officer. It is a scale for estimating wind speeds based on observed sea conditions.

What is the top of a balance scale called?

The top of a balance scale is called the balance pan or balance platform. This is where the object being weighed is placed for measurement.

What is the least count of physical balance?

The least count of a physical balance is the smallest measurement that can be read or displayed on the balance scale. It is determined by the precision of the scale and the smallest division marked on the scale or indicated by the scale's display.

Balance scale inventor?

The balance scale was invented by the ancient Egyptians around 3000 BC. This simple device consists of a beam pivoted at its center with pans on both ends to hold the objects being weighed. It is still widely used today for measuring the weight of objects.

What is the other term of weighing scale?

Balance Scale