In the King James version
The first use of the word - church - is in Matthew 16:18, by Jesus
Matthew. Chapter 16, verse 18.
The word "church" is in the King James Version of the Bible 80 times. It is in 79 verses.
That word is not in the Bible.
athome and church praymeet
First Baptist Church of Manila's motto is 'God's Word-The Bible-Giveth Light'.
Matthew. Chapter 16, verse 18.
The word "church" is in the King James Version of the Bible 80 times. It is in 79 verses.
A sacrament is a religious ceremony or ritual. The Bible is not a sacrament.
The word "reverence" appears in 13 verses of the KJV bible.
The Bible uses the word dancing. It appears seven times in the KJV bible.
Acts, Romans, Corinthians, and Galatians all contain the word church.
A word that the Bible uses for cattle is "kine."
That word is not in the Bible.
athome and church praymeet
Answerer (A)In the Old Testament, none. In the New Testament, the word "church" appears over 110 times.ANSWERER (B):The words "CHURCH" or "CHURCHES" appears in the KJV BIBLE 111 times, according to The above answerer is right, the word "Church" does not appear in the Old Testament. However, the word "congregation" does.