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Q: Who has an IQ of 40?
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What does an IQ of 40 mean?

Average IQ (intelligence quotient) is in the region of 90 to 110, an IQ of 40 is extremely low.

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What is the average IQ for a woman 30-40?

Average IQ is defined to be 100 regardless of age.

What is the mental age for someone with an IQ of 62?

Someone with an IQ of 40-70 is dumb. Someone with an IQ of 1-20 has the intelligence of a starfish.

What is the IQ range of severely retarded individuals?

Severely retarded individuals have IQ scores of 20-40.

What is the average IQ of a whale?

The average IQ of a whale is estimated to be around 40 to 50, which is similar to that of a dolphin.

Is Holly Ashcroft clever?

no she has an IQ of 40 points

What is Matthew grey gublers IQ?

Take it from a Las Vegan of 40 years. Gary's True IQ, according to Las Vegas Media, is 144

What is the average IQ of a 30 to 40 year old?

The average IQ varys and it does not depend on how old or young you are it is basic general intelligence.

What is the unit to measure IQ level?

You measure smartness in mb so smartness = Iq That means that you measure Iq in mb so if you have 40 iq you have 40 mb of information stored in your brainicle cells. But if you get 41mb then that is too much so try not to learn too much at school so your brain doesn't overload and you get cancer.

What is an average IQ for an adult woman age 26?

An average IQ is 100. It does not matter how old a person is. An 8 year old's average IQ is 100. A 40 year old's average IQ is 100. IQ tests take age into account so that the average IQ is the same for any age.

What is Kevin Rudd's IQ?

must be about 130 with 40 ego points built in