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Q: Who first used the printing press to make a bible?
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Who idea was it to make the printing press?

Gutenberg of Germany invented the printing press.

What was an early result of Gutenberg's printing press?

The exact date of Gutenberg's press is debated based on existing screw presses. ... The printing press displaced earlier methods of printing and led to the first ..... make it easy to get similar results more quickly and with less physical labor.

How long did it take Johannes Gutenberg to make the printing press?

It took him 4 years to complete the printing press.

How did Gutenberg invent the printing press?

Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press by combining existing technologies, such as movable type and the wine press, to create a machine capable of printing text on paper. He also developed oil-based ink that could be used on the press, allowing for more efficient and high-quality printing. His invention revolutionized the spread of information and played a key role in the development of the Renaissance, Reformation, and scientific revolution.

What contribution did Johann Gutenburg make to the world?

Well my teacher is making us make a 5 page essay on a person in history and i got Johann or Johannes Gutenberg. what he did was that he invented a quick printing press. He also made the first bible by a press with 300 pages and 40 something lines in each page.

What did the Chinese use to make books?

The printing press

How did Albert Einstein make his money?

On a printing press

Did Benjamin Franklin invent the 1st printing press?

Benjamin Franklin did not invent the first printing press. The printing press was invented by Johannes Gutenberg in the 15th century, long before Franklin's time. Franklin did, however, make important contributions to printing technology and the publishing industry.

What was the effect of Gutengerg's printing press and what did it make possible?


History of the printing press?

Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press in 1440. He knew that wood block printing took a long time because you had to carve each letter. He invented a press with metal lettering, which was much easier to make once you had a mold.

Did Martin Luther use the Printing Press?

Because of the printing press people were literate and well-educated. They could understand Luther's concepts and ideas better. They could also read the bible, which could help Luther prove the church wrong. The printing press helped make the bible more readily available to people.

Does the printing press have a world wide influence?

The printing press has had a world wide influence for almost 500 years. Martain Luther used the printing press to make documents promoting the Protestant Reformation and the pamphlets circulated as far as Eastern Europe and Northen Africa