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The desire of God is that all people praise him, and his desire will surely come to pass, but you will find that in The Bible all of Gods people praise him at some time or another.

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Q: Who all praised God in the bible?
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GOD is praised through prayer and worship; or reading the bible especially out of the book of Psalms, Because psalms is the book of praise. Also if you live a holy life and live a life GOD would be proud of that can be considered praising him.

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No. In the Old Testament, King David and others thanked God and praised Him with dancing, singing the psalms and playing musical instruments.

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Amen to that, but how is that a question?

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No we were closer to god when it all started in the Bible but we are always with god.

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Someone who always thanks or praise god. "Highly Praised"Ahmed means highly praised, or one who constantly praises God.

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Because he succeeded His father David and he was the most powerful of all Jewish kings. He built a training empire with the help of his friend. Solomon also beatified the capital city of Jerusalem. He built a great temple to worship god and the temple also held Moses tablets. He was famed as a wise man and became a legend and he praised god in The Bible.

What is the word of God?

The word of God is the Bible. They call it the word of God because God spoke every word of it and in the Bible it says "All scripture is God breathed". GOD BE WITH YOU ALL, AMEN!

Is the Bible a collection of books that explains the history of the world?

Yes, but it is also telling that God is greater than any, and that He should be praised because He made us and He loves us.

How many Books of the Bible did God write?

God directly wrote no books but He inspired all of the writers of the Bible.

What do christians believe the bible shows about god?

the bible shows god is meant to be feared by all means. god is also meant to be loved.