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Q: Which four elements do you think Aristotle would make wood from?
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Which is not one of Aristotle's four elements?

Light is not one of Aristotle's four elements. Aristotle's four elements are earth, water, air, and fire.

What did Aristotle think about matter?

Aristotle believed that everything was made from the four elements: fire, water, air, and earth. He also believed that the elements could be transformed into one another.

What is the four elements that Aristotle included in his model?

aristotle's elements were earth , fire, air, and water

What did Aristotle think the world was made up of?

Aristotle believed that the world was made up of four elements: earth, water, air, and fire. He theorized that all matter was composed of combinations of these elements.

Who thought fire was on of the four elements?


What is not one of Aristotle and four elements?

An overripe banana is not one of his elements.

When did Aristotle discover four elements?

350 b.C.

What is Aristotle four elements?

Aristotle's four elements are earth, water, air, and fire. He believed that these elements make up all matter and can transform into one another through processes like heating and cooling. Aristotle's ideas about the elements influenced scientific thought for centuries.

What are of Aristotle's four elements?

Aristotle's four elements are earth, water, air, and fire. These elements were believed to make up all material substances in varying combinations and proportions.

What are the Aristotle's four elements?

Aristotle's four elements are earth, water, air, and fire. Aristotle believed that these elements made up all matter in varying degrees. Earth represents solidity, water represents fluidity, air represents gaseousness, and fire represents heat.

What did Aristotle think about the nature of matter?

Aristotle believed that matter is made up of four elements: earth, water, air, and fire. He thought that each element had different qualities and properties, and that all matter was a combination of these elements in varying proportions.

Who stated that everything in this world is made-up of only four elements?
