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The Songs of Solomon.

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Q: Which book of the bible is called the book of love?
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Which book in the Bible is known as the book of love?

The book of love is the Song of Songs, also called the Song of Solomon. The chapter of love which is 1 Corinthians 13.

In what book is love first mentioned in the Bible?

Love is mentioned in the first book of the Bible - Genesis.

The first book of the Bible called?

The first book in the bible is called Genesis.

What is the book of the Bible abb?

There is no book of the Bible called "Abb".

What book in the Bible is called the little Bible?

Book of Isaiah

Which book of The Bible is booklove?

If you were trying to say, "Which book of the Bible is the book of love?" then i don't know that, but i know the chapter of love, it's 1 Corinthians 13.

Why is the bible called the greatest book of love?

The bible talks a great deal of love and forgiveness , and so also Jesus taught it . So it is the greatest book of love. The bible mentions love a lot. But i wouldn't call it the greatest book of love because it also tells you to kill homosexuals and to kill people who disrespect their parents. It tells you to rape slaves to death, and a lot of stuff like that. Most Christians actually haven't read the entire bible. Many copies leave out the negative things that are actually part of the book.

Is the Bible the best book in the world?

My opinion is that the BIBLE is the best book in the world I really love the book Proverbs.

What is the love book in the bible?

Song of Solomon

The christians holy book is the Bible?

Yes indeed the holy book of the Christians is the BIBLE.

Why is the Bible the sacred book of Christianity?

The Holy Bible is from God. God love Christians and Christians love God.

Why did the bible come to be called biblos or the book?

Originally it was in scroll form, then it camein a book form so it was called a bible meaning book.