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Q: Which Hellenistic inventor and mathematician experimented with levers created a machine for raising and transporting water and determined formulas for calculating the surface area and volume of a sphe?
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What Hellenistic inventor and mathematician experimented with levers created a machine for raising and transporting water and determined formulas for calculating the surface area and volume of a sphe?


What is the first mathematician to come close to calculating pi?

Archimedes was the first Western mathematician to make a serious attempt at calculating the value of pi. His estimated, that pi was between 3.1408 and 3.1429.

Who is the French mathematician and philospher who invented a calculating device that would come to be called the adding machine?

Blaise Pascal invented the ancestor of the calculator.

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Pythagoras, a greek mathematician living about 2600 years ago, became immortalised simply by finding a method for calculating the length of the hypotenuse without having to draw it out

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The Leibniz calculating machine was invented by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. Leibniz was a German mathematician who was born in the Holy Roman Empire on July 1, 1646.

Did salvino d armante got children?

There is no known information indicating that Salvino D'Armante had children. He was an Italian monk and mathematician who lived in the 16th century and is credited with inventing the first known mechanical calculator, the calculating machine.

When did liu hui die?

Liu Hui, a Chinese mathematician from the third century, is believed to have died around 220 CE. His work on calculating pi and his commentary on the Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art are among his notable contributions to mathematics.

How is math used in a salon?

* Payroll* Calculating percentage on sales * taxes * Interests * Billing purposes * Calculating financial capital * Calculating floating accounts* Payroll* Calculating percentage on sales * taxes * Interests * Billing purposes * Calculating financial capital * Calculating floating accounts* Payroll* Calculating percentage on sales * taxes * Interests * Billing purposes * Calculating financial capital * Calculating floating accounts* Payroll* Calculating percentage on sales * taxes * Interests * Billing purposes * Calculating financial capital * Calculating floating accounts* Payroll* Calculating percentage on sales * taxes * Interests * Billing purposes * Calculating financial capital * Calculating floating accounts* Payroll* Calculating percentage on sales * taxes * Interests * Billing purposes * Calculating financial capital * Calculating floating accounts

Is Blaise Pascal a famous mathematician?

Yes. Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) was a mathematician, physicist, inventor, and philosopher. He was one of the earliest to study binomial coefficients and the laws of probability. He created the earliest hand-powered calculating machines. Pascal's Law (pressure distribution) is a result of his study of fluids and pressure.

Who is the most famous woman mathematician?

Shakuntala Devi Some would say that Shakuntala Devi is not a mathematician, but a calculating prodigy. In terms of contributions to the field of mathematics, good contenders would be Hypatia who was born in the fourth century A.D. in Alexandria, Egypt. Among modern mathematicians, many would choose Emmy Noether, who made significant contributions in abstract algebra. sHAKUNTALA DEVI WAS DAUGHTER OF aRRYABHATTA

What age was the computer invented in?

1822.Charles Babbage, an English mathematician, is considered to be the great-grandfather of the computer. Over 150 years ago, in 1840 to be exact, he invented a sophisticated calculating machine, and called it the "Analytical Engine." As with many inventions, his creation was far in advance of its time.

Who is erastosthes?

Eratosthenes was a Greek mathematician, geographer, poet, and astronomer who lived in the third century BCE. He is best known for accurately calculating the circumference of the Earth using a method involving shadows and geometry. Eratosthenes also made significant contributions to astronomy, geography, and mathematics during his lifetime.