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Q: Which Country has 13 months in one year?
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How many months are left in a year when one third of a year has passed?

1 year = 12 months If ⅓ of the year has passed then 1 - ⅓ = ⅔ of the year remains ⅔ of 1 year = ⅔ × 12 months = 8 months.

Which country has 13 months in a year?

Its Not UAE...The only country in the world with 13 months is Ethiopia...Ethiopia is in east africa...Sometimes people say 13 months of sunshine..The 13 month only contains 6 or 7 days...Every month has exactly 30 days there is no 28 , 31 or 32! I hope you learnt alot from that!- some guy uh well every month has 4 weeks and there r 52 weeks in a year and 13 times 4 epuals 52 meaing there r 13 months just ppl r scared of the 13th month they just mader a mistake-annomus ____________________________ The Hebrew calendar is luni-solar; the months are lunar, and the new moon is the first of the month. To keep the Hebrew calendar roughly synched with the solar calendar, we add a "leap month" every 5-6 years. This is one of the "leap years", so there will be 13 lunar months in the year.

How many months are there in a year?

12 months in a year.JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberThere are twelve months in a year in the gregorian calendarOther calendars have different numbers, for example Jewish calendar has 12 or 13 months in a year, and the original roman one had 10 months.

How many months have you lived if you are 13 years old?

156. Technically, a 13-year-old would have lived anywhere between 156 and 167 months (depending on how long they've been 13). As there are 12 months in a year, 12*13=156.

How many months is 13-26 weeks?

13 weeks is 3 months (1 quarter); 26 weeks is 6 months (½ year).

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In what country does six plus seven equal one?

6+7=13. In leap years, the Chinese Lunar Year has 13 months within the Gregorian Calendar Year. Therefore, SIX months PLUS SEVEN months EQUALS ONE year IN CHINA in a leap year.

13 L M in a year?

13 lunar months in a year

How many months are left in a year when one third of a year has passed?

1 year = 12 months If ⅓ of the year has passed then 1 - ⅓ = ⅔ of the year remains ⅔ of 1 year = ⅔ × 12 months = 8 months.

Which country has 13 months in a year?

Its Not UAE...The only country in the world with 13 months is Ethiopia...Ethiopia is in east africa...Sometimes people say 13 months of sunshine..The 13 month only contains 6 or 7 days...Every month has exactly 30 days there is no 28 , 31 or 32! I hope you learnt alot from that!- some guy uh well every month has 4 weeks and there r 52 weeks in a year and 13 times 4 epuals 52 meaing there r 13 months just ppl r scared of the 13th month they just mader a mistake-annomus ____________________________ The Hebrew calendar is luni-solar; the months are lunar, and the new moon is the first of the month. To keep the Hebrew calendar roughly synched with the solar calendar, we add a "leap month" every 5-6 years. This is one of the "leap years", so there will be 13 lunar months in the year.

How many morths is a 13 year old?

12 months in a year; 156 months in 13 years.

What country had a 13 year old boy in it?

Just about every country in the entire history of the world has had at least one 13-year-old boy in it.

How many months are there in a year?

12 months in a year.JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberThere are twelve months in a year in the gregorian calendarOther calendars have different numbers, for example Jewish calendar has 12 or 13 months in a year, and the original roman one had 10 months.

How many months does one leap year have?

One leap year of the Gregorian calendar has 12 months. One leap year of most lunisolar calendars, including the Hebrew calendar, has 13 months. A leap year is 12 months just like a common year. A leap year is longer than the solar year and a common year is shorter than the solar year by just one day.

How many months does the hebrew calendar have?

12 months in a regular year,13 months in a Leap year

How many months have you lived if you are 13 years old?

156. Technically, a 13-year-old would have lived anywhere between 156 and 167 months (depending on how long they've been 13). As there are 12 months in a year, 12*13=156.

How many months were in the Viking calendar?

The Vikings followed a lunar calender, dividing their years into 13 months, which is the number of new moons in one year.