Barclays bank MArket st, crewe, cheshire
This sort code is being used by Bank of Scotland. It is assigned to the Southampton branch.
Crofts Bank Road in Urmston, Manchester.
Santander UK plc is the bank branch that has the sort code 09-01-55. The address is Bootle, Merseyside, L30 4GB United Kingdom.
Barclays bank MArket st, crewe, cheshire
Barclays Bank 22-24 Upper Marlborough Road St. Albans Herts
This sort code belongs to Clydesdale Bank. This code is assigned to the Brechin branch.
This sort code belongs to Lloyds TSB Bank. The code is assigned to the Northwich branch.
A sort code identifies the bank and the branch where an account is held. Sort code 09-01-33 is used by Santander to reference old TSB accounts.
This sort code is being used by NatWest Bank. It is assigned to the Lewes branch.
This sort code is being used by NatWest Bank. It is assigned to the Buckingham branch.
This sort code does not exist and is invalid. A sort code has six numbers, not seven.