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John Wallis
Sir Isaac newton

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Q: Which 17th-century English mathematician wrote two famous books on mathematics - The Arithmetica and The Algebra?
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Which 17th-century mathematician wrote the books 'The Arithmetica' and 'The Algebra'?

The English mathematician John Wallis (1616 - 1703).

Who was the17th century English mathematician who wrote The Arithmetica and The Algebra?

The English mathematician John Wallis (1616 - 1703).

Who has invented algebra?

Algebra was created by the Greeks around the 3rd century AD. Diophantus, a Greek mathematician, is known as "the father of algebra". He is the author of a series of books called "Arithmetica" which were based on solving algebraic equations.

Which 17th century English mathematician wrote two famous books about mathematics-'The Artihmetica' and 'The Algebra'?

John Wallis

Which mathematician applied algebra to geometry?

Rene Descartes was the mathematician that applied algebra to geometry.

How does Muslim made mathematics?

The modern number system were first invented by a Muslim mathematician which later converted into current established digits and numbers. Also "Algebra" was invented by a Muslim mathematician Jaaber.

Where is algebra used in real situtations?

Mathematics which includes Algebra is considered "the mother of all science". Therefore it is used of course extensively in all higher mathematics and in all the sciences. It is possible to use some problem solving techniques that you learn in Algebra to solve proplems in real life even if you are not a scientist or mathematician.

What is the first algebra text?

It is Arithmetica, by Diophantus of Alexandria, who is generally considered the father of algebra, that may be the first writing on algebra. But there is a bit of debate over who the father of algebra is. Use the link below to the related question.

What is the difference between mathematics and algebra?

Algebra is a form (or subset) of mathematics.

Who is known as the mathematician of mathematicians?

You are probably referring to the German mathematician and scientist Carl Friedrich Gauss. He lived from 1777 to 1855; a child prodigy who was obsessed by mathematics throughout his life, he made important contributions to differential geometry, algebra, and calculus.

What is an algebraist?

An algebraist is a person who is particularly skilled in algebra, or a mathematician who specializes in algebra.

Is Algebra in mathematics come under pure mathematics?

pure mathematics is mathematics studied and used reasons other than application. So some algebra certainly might be, but not all algebra. Modern or abstract algebra would fit better in that category.