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Q: Where is the syllable split in senior?
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How many syllable are in the word split?

one syllable

Where is the syllable split in painting. Is it 'paint - ing' or 'pain -ting'?

The syllable split of painting is: paint-ing.

Can you Split the word jump into syllable?

You cannot split "jump" into syllables because the word has only one syllable.

Where is the syllable split in the word occurred?

The syllable split in the word "occurred" is oc-cur-red.

Can you Split the word jump into syllable No?

"Jump" only has one syllable.

What is the syllable rule for the word bubbles?

Split between the Bs like with every multiple-syllable double-letter word.

How do write the word apple in two syllable?

It is split like this: ap-ple.

How do you mark syllable on the word machine?

Split the word between the a and c : ma- CHINE .

How do you separate get away into syllables?

Get is one syllable. Away is two syllables and split into a-way.

How many syllables are in the word adulthood where does each syllable split?

There are 3 syllables in adulthood:a/dult/hood

How many syllable are in the word because?

2 Be and cause

How can you split the word 'happy' into syllables?

The first syllable has the primary stress, and the third (and last) syllable has a secondary stress.