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Roman numerals....
1 = I
2 = II
3 = III
4 = IV (or IIII on old clocks, watches and sundials)
5 = V
6 = VI
7 = VII
8 = VIII
9 = IX
10 = X
20 = XX
30 = XXX
40 = XL
50 = L
60 = LX
70 = LXX
80 = LXXX
90 = XC
100 = C
500 = D
1000 = M
2000 = MM
3000 = MMM

The numbers 11 - 19 and 21 - 29 etc follow the same pattern as the numbers 1 to 9 but preceeded by X or XX etc. The same applies to numbers preceeded by 100s or 1000s. Some examples...
14 = XIV
44 = XLIV
151 = CLI
666 = DCLXVI
1066 = MLXVI
2009 = MMIX

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Q: Where is the counting of Roman numbers from 1 to 100 in written form?
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In today's notation of Roman numerals: II-XXI-MCMXCIX But during the Roman era the Romans themselves would have worked out the equivalent of 1999 on an abacus counting device as MDCCCCLXXXXVIIII and probably simplified it to IMM (2000-1 = 1999) in written form.

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