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A. The first sin that ever took place was in the Garden with eve in Genesis 3:6 The Bible say and when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise,she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave unto her husbandwith her, and he did eat.

or if you mean the first time the word sin was ever used in scripture it's in Genesis 4:7

and it says if thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? and if thou doest not well sin lieth at the door. And unto thee shall be his desire, and thou shalt reule over him.

This when Cain killed Able. Hope this Helps The Lord Bless

AnswerActually, there is a common misconception that sin entered a 'perfect' world when Eve took the fruit of the Tree of Knoledge of Good and Evil. This is what has been taught for generations, but it is a fallacy.

1. The story itself is allegorical and not historical. Not even the Jewish nation regarded Genesis as fact, but as a Hebrew poem where, reading between the lines, we hear of human nature and its relationship (whether broken or not) with God and within itself. Creationists insist on the factual, historical nature of Genesis but are in grave error. It was never designed to be factual, but poetic containing truth wrapped up in literature.

2. The very fact that the 'Tree' was of the Knowledge of Good and Evil must imply that 'eating' of it opened ones eyes to both good and evil (as it did with both Eve, and leter, Adam. Therefore, for this to happen, evil must have been in the world before this in order that there should be any 'knowledge' of it.

3. This premise is confirmed in the serpent. We are not told in Genesis (anywhere!) that the serpent was 'Satan'. In fact, when Genesis was written the Jews had little concept of a personification of evil in the devil. It wasn't until much later that this theological idea became realised (eg in the Book of Job). And it was much later still (in medieval times) when the story of Adam and Eve was linked with the devil. We are simply told that the serpent was 'the most cunning of creatures' again confirming that it was, in itself, sinful, and not because it was any sort of personification of the devil.

So, in answer to the question, whilst God created a perfect world, there was already sin in the world long before Adam and Eve. But as to when it came into the world, the Bible simply does not say.

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Q: Where is sin first mentioned in the Bible?
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