Sarai's name is first mentioned in Genesis 11:29-31. Sarai is believed to mean: Princess. The Lord changed her name to Sarah (princess of nations). At the same time the Lord changed Abram's name (exalted father) to Abraham( father of many nations) See Geneses 17:5,15. Sarai was Abram's brothers daughter, Haran, who died. She and Lot where adopted by Abram's father, Terah. When Abram travelled to Egypt with Sarai, his wife at that time, he did not lie when he told the Egyptians that she was his sister. Technically she was, being the adopted daughter of his father.>
No. The second woman named is Naamah in Genesis ch.4.
Sara is not mentioned in the Bible. Sarah is probably who you are asking about. The name Sarah is first mentioned in Genesis 17:15 when God changed Sarai's name to Sarah (after he changed Abram's name to Abraham). Sarai is first mentioned in Genesis 11:29 as Abram's wife.
In the King James version the word - Sara - appears twice the word - Sarah - appears 38 times the word - Sarah's - appears 3 times the word - Sarai - appears 16 times the word - Sarai's - appears once (Sarai was the wife of Abram, before both their names were changed to Sarah and Abraham)
Nothing - the word butterfly is not found in the Bible.
The word serinity is not found in the Bible.
Sarai is the wife of Abram. After Abram made a covenant with GOD, GOD changed his name to Abraham. His wife was no longer Sarai, but Sarah. She is the Mother of nations, not the Bible. For the Bible was not written yet. It would not get its first book for another 500 years or so.
Genesis 16:6-8 "But Abram said to Sarai, "Behold, your maid is in your power; do to her what is good in your sight." So Sarai treated her harshly, and she fled from her presence. Now the angel of the LORD found her by a spring of water in the wilderness, by the spring on the way to Shur. He said, "Hagar, Sarai's maid, where have you come from and where are you going?" And she said, "I am fleeing from the presence of my mistress Sarai."
According to the bible in Genesis 12:5 Abram had a wife named "Sarai"
Sarah; originally Sarai (Genesis ch.11 and 17).
No. The second woman named is Naamah in Genesis ch.4.
Sara is not mentioned in the Bible. Sarah is probably who you are asking about. The name Sarah is first mentioned in Genesis 17:15 when God changed Sarai's name to Sarah (after he changed Abram's name to Abraham). Sarai is first mentioned in Genesis 11:29 as Abram's wife.
According to the Bible in Genesis 17:15 God said to Abraham... (Changed her name from Sarai to "Sarah")
In the King James version the word - Sara - appears twice the word - Sarah - appears 38 times the word - Sarah's - appears 3 times the word - Sarai - appears 16 times the word - Sarai's - appears once (Sarai was the wife of Abram, before both their names were changed to Sarah and Abraham)
The population of Sarai Alamgir is 1,998.
The population of Sarai Mir is 15,526.
The population of Sarai Aquil is 15,719.
Aminagar Sarai's population is 10,114.