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Q: Where is God knows the number of hair on your head?
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How many hairs do you have if your hair is brunet?

Nobody but God knows the number of hairs on your head. What color hair you have makes no difference.

How many hair are on a human?

only god really knows how many are on our head

Does God match people for marriage?

NO, its the human society and the interpersonal relationship. there is no relation to religion. hi. um, actually, that is WRONG. also, just an opinion. God can match people for marriage, He has plans for you before you're even born. He knows the number of every hair on your head. He knows what you want before you even ask. And if you ask God to put someone special in your life, and really believe that He will, then if it's His will for your life... He'll do it. :)

What does the Bible teach Christians about God?

It taught that God is love and that God gave his only son Jesus Christ to us because man had lost his way. God is forgiving and loving and protective and knows "every hair on our head." It also says that man was made in God's image.

How many hears on your head?

Only god knows.. read your bible

How many hairs is one an average head?

God only knows

What does god associate the number 12 with?

God alone knows. How do you presume to know what god thinks?

Why has your head got hair on it?

because thats how god created us

Which god was depicted as a mummified youth with a lock of hair on his head?


Who determines how many strands of hair are on the human head?

The number of hair strands on a human head is determined by genetics. Each person is born with a specific number of hair follicles, which produce individual hairs. Factors like age, health, and hair care practices can also affect the density and thickness of hair strands.

Does God know what we're doing everyday?

Yes God is an all knowing God. We are told that He even knows the number of hairs on our head(Matthew 10:29-31). God created all things including humans (Revelation 4:11)and He knows His creation(Acts 1:24). He not only knows what you do everyday, he know WHY you do it, and He also knows what you are thinking.(1Samuel 16:7; Proverbs 21:2; Jeremiah 17:10).

Can you name who had two horns on his head?

the devil everyone knows that Oh, do they? How about the Greek god Pan?