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John 19 v30

When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost. The Gospel of John Ch.19 Verse 30.

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Q: Where is 'It is finished' in The Bible?
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How many times finished is mention in the bible?

The word 'finished' is mentioned 42 times in the KJV Bible.


No, St. Nicholas was born about 200 years after The Bible was finished.

When was it is finished How many times is it used in the bible?

The words "it is finished" are in the King James Version of the Bible 2 times. They are in 2 verses.

When was the Douay Bible translated?

it was finished in 1610. the new testament was finished in 1582, and the old testament was finished in 1610

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The Bible does not say this. God is never done with us. The Bible says you are saved when you confess with mouth and believe in your heart that Jesus Christ is Lord.

How do you say 'it is finished' in aramaic?

According to the Christian bible, the phrase "It is finished" is uttered by Jesus just prior to giving up his spirit and dying. In aramaic (the language that Jesus would have spoken), "it is finished' translates to "Heb Kelal". In koine greek, the phrase appears as "tetelestei".

In what book and verse of KJ Bible did Jesus say it is finished?

John 19:30 When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost.

How many times is the word finish mentioned in the Bible?

In the New International Version of the Bible, there are 110 instances of the word "finish" and its past and present tense forms "finished" and "finishing" respectively.

What does the Bible say about Calvinism?

"Calvinism" is named after John Calvin (1509-1564) who systematized Bible beliefs and theological doctrines. He lived one and a half thousand years after the New Testament was finished so he himself is not mentioned in the Bible but the beliefs he explained are.

Did Noah have The Bible with him?

One thing is for sure; he did not have a bible as we know it today, because that had not been written yet. The story of Noah appears in Genesis, the first book of the bible, so it's save to say that even the first book of the bible had not been finished during the flood. It would be possible that he had some form of religious text with him, but it was not the bible as we know it today

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There are no accurate statistics on how many Christians have read the Bible in its entirety. It is important to remember that to read and understand the Bible as you go can be a serious challenge to faith. There are so many errors, improbabilities and inconsistencies in the Bible that arguably many who read it in this manner might cease to be such committed Christians by the time they finished the task.

Is Robert in The Bible?

I can not find "Robert" in either Scott Hahn's concordance (in the back of the Ignatius Study Bible or in his Catholic Bible Dictionary no in Strong's, and as I don't remember the name in any of the Deuterocanonicals, I have a feeling that it is not there.