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Acts 2:1-4 and 10:44-47.

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Q: Where in the the Bible do we see the ''outpouring of the Holy Spirit''?
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How many times does evil spirit appear in the Bible?

It appears 3 times in the English Standard Version (ESV). See related link.

What are the non Bible proofs that the Bible is God revelation holy book?

Answer 1There is not and can never be an objective proof that the Bible is (or is not) God's revelation. Certain people believe it is God's revelation, that is their opinion, their "faith" and they tend to be very protective of their viewpoint.Other people who believe in God do not hold the Bible in such esteem and believe that the stories help one build a relationship with God but they are not "revelation". This is perhaps the more balanced view in that it recognizes that the Bible was put together by the "Council of Nicaea" (see related link below) in AD 325 during which many books of the Bible were left out - "The Apocrypha" (see related link below).Still other people follow other faiths or do not believe in God at all and to them the Bible is just another religious book.Answer 2Qur'an; Muslims God holy book; states that the Bible is God holy book revealed by God to Jesus (peace be upon him).

In the Holy Bible who was Kain's wife?

In The Revolutionary Part 1 and 2, Mary and her friend went to see His tomb and Jesus isn't there. Mary's friend is Kain's wife.

When did Jesus first appear in the bible?

This topic is debated among Christian theologians. In Christianity there is what is called the Trinity. There is only one God but there are three distinct aspects or parts. See Trinity for a full explanation God the Father is always referenced as spirit. The Holy Spirit is always referenced as a spirit. Jesus is the only part of the Godhead that is ever referenced as spirit and physical or human. There are physical aspects attributed to God the Father in describing His attributes but all are figurative. The earliest reference to seeing God occurs in Genesis where Adam and Eve walked with God in the Garden of Eden. According to the old testament, no one has seen God the Father. Yet there are more than one reference to God being seen. Christians conclude that this was Jesus, preincarnate walking with Adam and Eve in the Garden. Christians conclude that because the bible clearly states that no one has seen God that it is logical to conclude that any "sighting of God" in the bible is actually of Jesus.

What are three characteristics of Bible stories?

Through the various Bible stories we can see that: God is supreme and sovereign God communicates with man. Man is sinful (separated from God ) God is Holy and God judges sin. There are many other things we can see about man and God in Bible stories. Also there are other characteristice of Bible stories. For example they are historic narratives - they record the history of the nation of Israel. Some of them eg parables, teach spiritual truth.

Related questions

Which prophet in Acts chapter 2 spoke on the Holy Spirit?

In Acts chapter 2, Peter quotes from the prophet Joelregarding the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. See Acts 2:16-21; compare to Joel 2:28-32.

Where in the bible was the holy spirit active in creation?

The Bible says that the Spirit of God (the Holy Spirit) was hovering over the waters in the creation. See Gen 1:2:;&version=31;

How do we recognize the truths taught by the Holy Spirit?

YOu go to the bible and see if what it says matchs with what's going on

What does one symbolize?

The Holy Spirit (The Spirit of Promise, The Person of the Holy Spirit) See Matthew 3:16

What does the dove symbol represent?

In the bible it represents peace and the holy spirit In most churches you will also see it as a sign of baptism

Can any person see the holy spirit?

no one can see the holy until they die.another answer:The Holy Spirit is not meant to be seen but with proper communication he could lead your way in life.

What are the evidence of the holy spirit?

It can not be seen, but it is represented in the shape of dove, wind.Roman Catholic Answer:The signs of the Holy Spirit, called "gifts" are seven: wisdom, understanding, counsel, knowledge, fortitude, piety, and the fear of the Lord. (See Isaiah xi, 2). These are all habits so they do not have a change in physical appearance. The Holy Spirit is just that, a Spirit, and so can not be seen with physical eyes.

Can anyone see the Virgin Mary?

It all depends upon whom the Holy Spirit Chooses to His Spouse. A person who is devoted to praying the Rosary may come to see her, but, it is the Holy Spirit's Will.

What does it mean to see 3 doves?

It means Holy Spirit

Why is a church a temple?

A church in Christianity terms is not a building but a group of believers, is referred to as the church. The bible also calls the body of a person the "Temple of the Holy Spirit." See the relation? :)

When was the Holy Spirit made and what exactly is it apart from a spirit that is everywhere and how does it help us?

The Holy Spirit was not made. He is the Spirit of God, and is always with the believer, comforting, guiding, encouraging, and teaching us. See the Related link below.

In baptism what does the dove mean?

The dove is the symbol of the Holy Spirit. At the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist, the Holy Spirit descended on him in the form of a dove, so the dove is used at both baptisms and confirmation.