I think you may be thinking of the wise men who came to worship Jesus when He was a Baby or young Child. We can find that story in Matthew 2:1-12. We do not know how many wise men there were, but three gifts are mentioned as given by them to Jesus. The story of the shepherd's who saw the baby Jesus is found in Luke 2:8-20. We do not know the number of shepherd's who visited Jesus. These two stories are only mentioned once in the Bible.
Well one of the Three Wise men gave frankincense to baby Jesus so it was probably either very rare or in his price range.
Bread of course means food,but in the bible it is an spiritual food,manna is a pre-substance bread for the baby..i mean for the people who have little knowledge of faith,eye on eye teeth to teeth law;milk for the baby and hard food for adult,so bread means teaching which is in summarized it is Jesus..the law of Jesus,his sacrifices that even-though he doesn't have any sin to pay he pays his life for us to be save.his teaching is a food,a bread for our soul.all the good works comes from the teaching of christ now and not of moses.today no man can come to the father except by the bread or by Jesus,his teaching which is the commandment of the holy father in heaven.this bread is the only way,the center of all today and to the judgment day,in this bread we will be judge and in this bread we will be save.so this bread mentioned in the bible is Jesus,his laws and teaching and his sacrifices..for us to be save eat that bread in the bible..as Jesus said except you eat me,you will not be save..
Jesus was circumcised on the 8th day as a Jewish male baby. The sacrifices of His Mother Mary were for bearing a male baby.
The bible tells of the death of king Davids and Bathsheba child's death
The baby Jesus.
I think you may be thinking of the wise men who came to worship Jesus when He was a Baby or young Child. We can find that story in Matthew 2:1-12. We do not know how many wise men there were, but three gifts are mentioned as given by them to Jesus. The story of the shepherd's who saw the baby Jesus is found in Luke 2:8-20. We do not know the number of shepherd's who visited Jesus. These two stories are only mentioned once in the Bible.
The biblical story of the three Magi, also known as the Three Wise Men or Three Kings, tells of them bringing gifts including frankincense to the baby Jesus as part of their visit to him in Bethlehem.
No, the story of Jesus being floated down the river as a baby is not part of traditional Christian beliefs. In the Bible, Jesus was born in Bethlehem and later traveled to Egypt to escape King Herod's persecution.
The Bible said that Jesus was born as a baby to a human, telling us that he was, in fact, human.
According to the Bible, yes.
Jesus was born in Bethlehem to Mary and Joseph. According to the Bible, he was visited by shepherds and wise men who brought gifts. His birth is celebrated by Christians around the world on Christmas Day.
The Bible calls the Bed/Crib where He lay as a baby a Manger.It was basically an animal feeding trough.
The bible does not mention their names or which gift they gave.
Mary did not lose Jesus in the sense of misplacing him. However, there is a story in the Bible where Mary and Joseph temporarily lost track of Jesus when he stayed behind in Jerusalem to discuss matters with religious leaders.