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It doesn't say in The Bible that there are blonde asians! For that matter it does not mention blondes or asians.

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Q: Where in the bible does blonde Asians say?
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Why do Asians dye their hair blonde?

Those asians are not actually its a genetic disorder.f

Why is there no blondes in avatar the last airbender?

That's because it is based off of Asians. How many Asians do you see with naturally blonde hair?

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Some blonde girls find Asians attractive, while others do not. Just because one does, does not mean all do, and just because one doesnt, does not mean all dont.

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The Bible does not mention Asians, Yellows, or any other reference to the People of East Asia at all. (It should also be noted that "Yellow" is considered a derisive term for East Asians in much the same way that "Red" is considered a derisive term for Native Americans.) The Christian Bible does say that the Meek shall inherit the Earth, but there is nothing that seems to consider Asians as being meek. The line "The Meek shall inherit the Earth" is in Matthew 5:5.

How do you say she has blonde hair?

What?...she is blonde..

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You need to be more specific on 'Asians.' You need to say what type, from which area.

Does The Bible mention Asians?

yes god was asaian! oh wait he isn't real...

How do you say dark blonde in french?

une blonde foncée

To have a blonde moment?

to have a blonde moment is to do or say something really dumb

Why do you have some blonde facial hair when you are 100 percent Asian?

There's a lot of Asians that have naturally blonde hair, not only facial hair - along with other varying traits like green or blue eyes. It's a result of evolution of those living in higher altitudes, and generally cooler/harsher climates. Asians such as the 'Kalash' who have no European DNA but typically carry those traits.

How do you say blonde in German?


How do you say blonde in Irish?

Bean fhionn, a blonde woman; cailín fionn, a blonde girl.As an adjective: folt-bhuí, fionn.