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It says it in 1Peter 2:25. For ye were as sheep going astray; but are now returned unto the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls. (KJV)

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Q: Where in the Bible said Jesus is the bishop of your soul?
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Who said my soul magnifies the lord?

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Protestant people call her "Mary". Roman Catholics call her "Blessed Mother". Byzantine Catholics and the Orthodox call her "Theotokos, the Mother of God". In answer, Jesus's Mother said, "My Soul doth Magnify the Lord".

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Is Bill Ocean a Satanist?

Of course not. He said in a recent interview:"There's a beautiful manual to understand ourselves (the Bible) and most of us ignore it. I get a lot of pleasure and joy out of it. Unashamedly I'm a Christian. I believe Jesus Christ will come back, save my soul and put the whole thing right."Of course not. He said in a recent interview:"There's a beautiful manual to understand ourselves (the Bible) and most of us ignore it. I get a lot of pleasure and joy out of it. Unashamedly I'm a Christian. I believe Jesus Christ will come back, save my soul and put the whole thing right."Of course not. He said in a recent interview:"There's a beautiful manual to understand ourselves (the Bible) and most of us ignore it. I get a lot of pleasure and joy out of it. Unashamedly I'm a Christian. I believe Jesus Christ will come back, save my soul and put the whole thing right."Of course not. He said in a recent interview:"There's a beautiful manual to understand ourselves (the Bible) and most of us ignore it. I get a lot of pleasure and joy out of it. Unashamedly I'm a Christian. I believe Jesus Christ will come back, save my soul and put the whole thing right."

How did Jesus get the Holy Spirit?

Jesus said it himself in the Bible that "I and my father are one" so whatever God possess He possess. Jesus was invested by the Holy Spirit by turning His soul in the direction of God. When you consider Jesus, you can say this is God, you can say He is the image of God, you can say the Holy Spirit is reflected in Him, and you can say He is a son of man, the child of Mary and Joseph.

Did Jesus have a soul?

Yes: In Christianity, he had a soul because he was both human and divine - man and God. But regardless of that, all members of mankind have a soul. For the religions who do not believe in Jesus's divinity, they must still concede that he had/has a soul.Another answer:According to Jesus Himself, yes, He did.Matthew 26:38 - Then He [Jesus] said to them, "My soul is exceedingly sorrowful, even to death. Stay here and watch with Me." [NKJV]

What is the most important thing in the Bible?

All of the Bible are very important . Bible is a guide on how we should leave our lives. The Bible teaches us how to love unconditionly

When was Soul of the Bible created?

Soul of the Bible was created in 1972.

How do you decide your guiding principles?

Jesus said that these are the most important things: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind; and, Love your neighbor as yourself." Beyond that, the principles of the Bible are my guide for faith and life.

Did Jesus die or was he born on Christmas day?

he was born on chrismas day Ans: When person expereance the soul and body sepration before death call birth of Jesus (soul). in bible soul(Jesus) and John Baptist call our body. Christmas selected on 25 december because that time is because of heavy snow in north people has free time. (All religion are like that)