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Genesis 9:29Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)

29 And all the days of Noah were nine hundred and fifty years: and he died.

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Q: Where in the Bible does it say that Noah was 950 years old?
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How old was Noah at death?

He was 950 years old.

How old was Noah when he died?

950Noah was 950 years old when he died (Genesis Chapter 9, verse 29)

How long did Noah lived?

According to the bible Noah was 950 years, but he was not a prophet.A:All the early biblical heroes are attributed lifespans that accord with a simple numerology formula based on the number 17. Noah, who was exactly 600 years old at the time of the Flood, lived to exactly 950 years, which in the formula of biblical numerology corresponds to 13x9 + 7x7x17.

How old was Noah in the Bible?

Noah was 500 years old when he became the father of his sons Shem, Ham, and Japheth. He was 600 years old at the time of the great flood. He died at the age of 950 [Genesis 5:33, 7:6, 9:28].Noah lived for nine hundred and fifty three years.____________Of course, he didn't really live that long, if he lived at all. The reported ages of figures from Genesis are part of the over-all message, not to be taken as literally true.

How long did Noah live in all?

950 years old

How old is noah from kittiesmama?

Noah from the book of genesis in the bible lived to be 950 years. His actual name was Noe. The ah is a suffix for a woman, added out of respect because his wife was never mentioned.

Where in The Bible is Noah's age?

Noah's age is located in Genesis 9:29, since the Bible is God's own words written through approximately 40 authors at the time span of about 1600 years, it is the complete truth.... Noah lived to be 950 years old-- NIV 1984

What did Noah of the Bible die of?

The Bible tells us how old Noah was when he died, but not HOW he died(Genesis 9:28-29). It may simply have been 'old age' at that point. He died faithful to God, that we can be sure of. (Hebrews 11:7)

How did noah die from noahs ark?

Noah died at the ripe old age of 950 years. After Noah mans life span never was in so many hundreds of years it is now 70 years.

How old was prophet Nuh or Noah when he died?

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How old was Noah when the flood started?

A:Genesis 7:6 says that Noah was 600 years old when the Flood began. The story of Noah was easy to remember and pass on orally, as his first son was born when he was 500 years old, the Flood came when he was 600 years old and he died at the age of 950 years.

How old was Noah when he dead?

Noah's wife was never explicitly mentioned in the Bible, but considering that she is believed to be on the Ark with Noah, her age should be roughly commensurate with his. (The Ark-Boarding occurred towards the end of Noah's life.)