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snow i havent come across it in the bible since the bible mostly takes place in and around the middle east but there hasn't been a mention of snow as far as i have read

Answer:"Snow" is mentioned 25 times in the King James Bible; 22 times in the Old Testament and three times in the New.

Of the 22 OT mentions, literal snow is being spoken of fourteen times, the appearance of leprous skin is compared to snow three times, and the remaining mentions are along the lines of things being "purer than snow" (Lamentations 4:7) or "white as snow" (Isaiah 1:18; Daniel 7:9).

In the New Testament, it never refers to literal weather; in all three cases it refers to things "white as snow" (Matthew 28:3; Mark 9:3; Revelation 1:14).

The Old Testament references are found in:

Exodus 4:6

Numbers 12:10

2 Samuel 23:20

2 Kings 5:27

1 Chronicles 11:22

Job 6:16; 9:30; 24:19; 37:6; 38:22

Psalm 51:7; 68:14; 147:16; 148:8

Proverbs 25:13; 26:1; 32:21

Isaiah 1:18; 55:10

Jeremiah 18:14

Lamentations 4:7

Daniel 7:9

New Testament references are cited above.

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