Who is scrum master?
The Scrum Master is one of the most important elements of Scrum
Teams success. The Scrum Master does whatever is in their power to
help the team succeed in their attempt at building the product.
The Scrum Master is not the manager of the team; instead, the
Scrum Master serves the team, protects the team from outside
interference, and guides the team's use of Scrum. The Scrum Master
makes sure everyone on the team understands and follows the
practices of Scrum, and they help lead the organization through the
often difficult change required to achieve success with Agile
Since Scrum makes visible many impediments and threats to the
team's effectiveness, it's important to have a strong Scrum Master
working energetically to help resolve those issues, or the team
will find it difficult to succeed. Scrum teams should have someone
dedicated full-time playing the role of Scrum Master. In case of
smaller teams, the same scrum master could play that role for
multiple projects.