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GENESIS 14:18: "And Melchizedek king of SALEM brought bread and wine: and he was THE PRIEST of the Most High God."

SALEM: [LIT- Literal Bible w/Strong's Definitions]: "SHALEM... the same as HSN8003; peaceful, an EARLY NAME for JERUSALEM: KJV--Salem. #shalom, See HSN7965"

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Q: Where does the Bible first refer to Jerusalem?
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What was Jerusalem first called in the bible?


When was Jerusalem Bible created?

Jerusalem Bible was created in 1966.

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The New Jerusalem Bible is Catholic.

When was New Jerusalem Bible created?

New Jerusalem Bible was created in 1985.

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Jerusalem is not a language

How do you say Zion in Aramaic?

Zion in Aramaic is pronounced as "Tziyon." It is a term often used in the Bible to refer to a hill in Jerusalem, or symbolically to the people of Israel.

What is the first time that Jerusalem was mentioned in the bible?

According to our tradition, the place-name Shalem (Genesis 14:18) is identical with what was later called Jerusalem.

How many times is the word Jerusalem used in the Bible?

The word "Jerusalem" is in the King James Version of the Bible 811 times. It is in 764 verses.

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Randall Price has written: 'Unholy War' -- subject(s): Jerusalem in Christianity, Jerusalem in Judaism, Arab-Israeli conflict, International status, Jerusalem in Islam 'La Piedras Claman' 'The coming last days' Temple' -- subject(s): Bible, Prophecies, Temple of Jerusalem, Temple of Jerusalem (Jerusalem) in the Bible, Temple of Jerusalem (Jerusalem), In the Bible 'Searching for the Ark of the Covenant' -- subject(s): Ark of the Covenant 'Searching for the Original Bible' -- subject(s): Evidences, authority, Bible, Inspiration 'The Battle for the Last Days' Temple' -- subject(s): Bible, Judaism, Religious aspects, Prophecies, Temple of Jerusalem, Temple of Jerusalem (Jerusalem), History

What book of the Bible emphasized Christ's ministry in Jerusalem?

The book of the Bible that emphasizes Christ's ministry in Jerusalem is the Book of John.

Where is the Jerusalem of the Bible today located?

where is the jersulem of the bible ,today

What is the central city in the bible?
