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From Latin 'empiricus' and Greek 'empeirikos' meaning experienced

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Q: Where did the word empirical come from?
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Related questions

What is the root word of empirical?

The root word of empirical is "empiric," which comes from the Greek word "empirikos," meaning "experienced."

What does emperical mean?

It's "empirical" not "emperical".The word empirical denotes information gained by means of observation or experiments.

What is the definition of empirical evidence?

Empirical evidence is a source of knowledge acquired by means of observation or experimentation. The term comes from the Greek word for experience, Εμπειρία.

How do we use the word empirical in sentence Give atleast 6 examples?

sentence 1: The crazy lady babbled nonsense phrases such as, "empirical turnips."

Identify the following probability as theoretical or empirical. After tossing the same coin 10 times you are surprised to find that tails has come up 8 times. You therefore conclude that this coin is?


What is empirical knowledge?

Empirical knowledge come from observation only. You don't know why or have any idea of why reaction A follows situation B but you have seen it happen so many times that you KNOW that is what is going to happen. People knew that things fell down long before there was a theory of gravitation. Such knowledge was empirical. Empirical knowledge not only comes from observation but also by testing.

What is the probability found by experimenting?

It is experimental or empirical probability.It is experimental or empirical probability.It is experimental or empirical probability.It is experimental or empirical probability.

What is empirical source of literature?

this means research articles, your literature review will come from reputable published research.

Sentences with the word emperical?

He had empirical data to prove that he was innocent. The data was from a well reputed organisation.

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What is the empirical formula of C10H4?

It is an empirical formula.

What is the translation in Tagalog of empirical?

The translation of "empirical" in Tagalog is "empirikal."