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Q: Where did noah keep the wood peckers on his ark?
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What is the biblical symbolism of Noah's Ark?

Noah's Ark is a symbol both of judgment and of salvation. The judgment is in the worldwide flood which made the Ark a necessity. The salvation is in the Ark itself which 'saved' the righteous remnant, Noah and his family from destruction.

Where is Noah's Ark?

Answer 1Genesis 8 v4And the ark rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, upon the mountains of Ararat.Mt. Ararat is in modern day Turkey.Answer 2Disregarding the question as to whether the Noah story actually took place, if Noah's Ark was made out of wood, pitch, and tar as the Bible records and it landed on Mount Ararat (in eastern Turkey near the Armenian border), it would have rotted by this point in history. Wood exposed on the top of a mountain would not last more than 100 years do to the moisture of the rain and numerous bacterias that feed on wood. It has been a few thousand years.Answer 3A team of evangelical Christian explorers claim they've found the remains of Noah's ark beneath snow and volcanic debris on Turkey's Mount Ararat.

Which biblical character built the ark?

Gen:7:1: And the LORD said unto Noah, Come thou and all thy house into the ark; for thee have I seen righteous before me in this generation. Gen:7:5: And Noah did according unto all that the LORD commanded him. Noah built the Ark.

What did Noah eat in the ark?

They ate grains the same as the animals.

How can you write a sentence with arc and ark?

Noah's ark sailed underneath the rainbow arcThe huge arc that spread across the sky was rainbow like the ark

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Where the scripture for Noah's ark made of?

Noah made the ark of cypres wood.

What did noah make his ark out of?


What did Noah build the ark of?


Was noah's ark created with wood?


What lumber that Noah build the ark?

Gopher wood. After God gave Noah the directive to build the Ark. Noah went to his sons (Shem, Ham and Japheth) and said "GO FOR WOOD" and they did.

What was used to built noah's ark?

Gopher wood

What was Noah Ark made of?

wood you flid xxx

How did noah's ark flaoated?

Noah's Ark was made of wood. Wood naturally floats. It is believed to have been a barge shape and needed only to float. Check out Ron Wyatt. He thought he found the location of the ark in Turkey.

What famous ship was made of gopher wood?

noah's ark

Noah's Ark was made of what wood?

Noahs arc was made of Cyprees wood.

What color was Noah's ark?

Most likely the ark would have been brownish and black, since it was made of wood and covered with pitch.

Was Noah in the event of Noah's ark?

Yes, Noah was in Noah's ark as told in the Bible.