== == Also said as penance after confession.
During the Mass, during recitation of the rosary, during Stations of the Cross, and during personal prayer.
The lords prayer learn you how to pray, it honor him, tell who he is, giving us what we need and asking for forgiviness
It is the Lords prayer.
The Lords prayer can be found in Luke 11:1-4 & Matthew 6:9-13.
It is simply the way we Christians refer to God when we pray, I usually say Dear Heavenly father and so on. The Lords prayer was Jesus teaching us how to pray, we say God is the father, Jesus the son and then there's the holy spirit. So God is our father in Heaven
See the link below.
the LORDS prayer
slava bogy
Yes. The Jesus Prayer is for everyone.
The Nicene Creed
Apostles creed is the prayer that tells what Catholics believe.
No. That is a Christian prayer.
The rosary is a much loved and venerated prayer among Catholics. But not all Catholics use this prayer. It is not considered "essential" to the Catholic faith. It is highly recommended, but not necessary. The Mass, for example, is absolutely necessary. The rosary is optional.
The deciples once asked Jesus to teach them to pray and he taught them the lords prayer as we know it.
The lords prayer learn you how to pray, it honor him, tell who he is, giving us what we need and asking for forgiviness
The Lord's Prayer begins -" Our Father which art in Heaven." It was given to the 12 disciples by our Lord Jesus Christ at their request to him to teach them to pray. We call it the Lord's Prayer as it was given by the Lord Jesus for our Lord God in heaven.
It is called the lords prayer.