Monogamy started 'in the beginning', with Adam and Eve, when God himself said:"For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh. "(Genesis 2:24NASB)
Multiple wives were allowed for a time, but monogamy was God's original standard, and was re-stated as such, by Jesus.(Matthew 19:4-6)
Although polygamy was practised by some Old Testament personalities, monogamy was always God's ideal for humanity (Matthew 19:4-5) according to the Bible.
If appears 500 times in the Bible, and of these, about 100 verses start with 'if'. You will have to look them up yourself in a Bible concordance or dictionary
It is best to start at the beginning of the bible
The first five books of The Bible were translated from the original Hebrew- that's a start!
when jesus was crufied
Monogamy means the practice of having only one wife
My aunt is monogamy.
Monogamy - album - was created in 2000.
The Myth of Monogamy was created in 2001.
serial monogamy
Synonym: Bigamy Antonym: Monogamy :D
The Game of Monogamy was created on 2010-10-05.
Yes. The Bible covers a range of issues such as the first marriage (Adam and Eve), monogamy, sexual union within a marriage, polygamy, adultery, divorce, widows and the conception of children etc etc etc.