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Given the current views on time a true paradox would produce alternate dimensions of the current dimension where the paradox occurred thus preventing the total collapse in maintainable constructs and viable alternatives for that particular string.

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Q: What would happen if there was a time paradox?
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What would happen if you went back in time and killed your parents?

If you were to go back in time and kill your parents, it would create a paradox because if your parents were killed before you were born, you would not exist to go back in time in the first place. This type of scenario is often presented in theoretical physics and is known as the grandfather paradox, where altering events in the past can lead to contradictions.

What would happen if you killed your great great grandparents?

You would create a paradox of before and after.

What will happen when a man's future came in his past and some body killed the past man what will happen?

This is the classic time travel paradox. And until someone actually HAS time travel, we will not know. However, it is interesting to speculate on what would happen.

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It's kind of a moot point. Generally, any apparent paradox means that you don't understand what's going on well enough. In reality, paradoxes don't happen, so asking what would happen if something that can't happen happened is a little silly.

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its that time is a paradox

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How do you time travel for real?

Sadly you don't because of a paradox showing that its not real. But if we can then this universe is a non-paradox universe which is highly doubtful. See if any of us could time travel and change something. It would already have happened and we would know because the whole fabric of time would be rewritten

Would you want someone to make a time machine?

No! Yes! Nah, it's way too dangerous to mess with the time field, considering the time paradox effect. If you want to know more about the time paradox effect, watch the Back to the Future trilogy, they're great. ye ive watched it and i suppose you are right about the paradox stuff :)

Looking for three examples of paradox?

The statement "less is more" is a paradox because it combines two contradictory ideas. The grandfather paradox is a hypothetical situation where someone could potentially travel back in time and prevent their own existence, creating a paradox because their existence would be both necessary and impossible at the same time. The liar paradox is a statement such as "this statement is false," which creates a contradiction when considering its truth value.

What is the time reversal paradox?

Warning: this following passage contains MAJOR spoilers for people yet to read The Time Paradox. The paradox is that if Artemis Fowl the Second had never gone back in time to save his mother, then she would not have had to be saved. It is also because if he hadn't gone back in time, he would never have been faced with the choice as Opal couldn't have come back to the future at all. Hopefully that wasn't too confusing.

Is time is gold is an example of a paradox?

No, "time is gold" is not a paradox. It is a metaphorical expression meaning time should be valued like gold because it is precious and valuable. A paradox is a statement that appears self-contradictory or illogical but may express a truth.

What happens when an immovable object is struck by an unstoppable force?

Since these are extremes that cannot be acheived due to the laws of physics, it cannot happen. However, If it could happen, I suspect a paradox would occur.