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Very little would happen unless the victim belonged to a politically correct group. A few people might shed tears for a few minutes, and then it would be back to business (or bullying) as usual. The bullies would gloat and any oppressive system that helped cause the bullying will actually become more oppressive. If the victim was part of a protected group, school admins, police, and owners of websites will simply come up with more oppressive policies and use bullying as an excuse or means to bully, as ironic as it is.

The bottom line is don't kill yourself because very few would care, and that is being blunt. You do more to hurt bullies by staying alive and not letting them drive you to suicide. Someone has to be strong enough to put a stop to it. The system will most likely fail you - and partially because of the policies they enact to "help" you, so you have to rely on your strength and your friends.

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Q: What would happen if the Victim kills themselves from Bullying or Cyber-Bullying?
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How many people kill themselves due to cyberbullying?

I think it's fair to say that this number is unobtainable. The reason there's no good answer rests on a few fundaments: First, this problem is often unreported and, even if it is reported, it's hard to say there's only ONE cause. Say someone is cyber-bullyed. Most often that bullying extends beyond cyber and into their life -- and which aspect is more or less responsible? However, I think it's fair to say that this is an emergent trend that has some dire aspects. Bear in mind that not just the suicides are damaged by this behavior, but so are those that don't take hat final step, but yet take damage. The real questions for me are: (1) Why does this happen? From a purely scientific, biological stance, species that attack themselves too often are in serious trouble. And secondly (2), how would one stop it? We can try to limit technology, the First Amendment, and conversational content, and all we've concretely done is censor ourselves, but have we reduced the problem? Returning to your question, at this time, there is no way to calculate the number you ask for.

If something is unlikely to happen does this mean that it will never happen?

No, it does not mean that it will never happen. Impossible means that it will never happen. unlikely to happen does mean that probably it will not happen..

Do people who committed suicide from bullying go to Hell?

There is no way to know..AnswerSuicide is always a serious sin. Any time that you are choosing to NOT deal with what God has permitted to happen in your life, you are choosing hell right then even if you're still alive. Everything that happens in your life, no matter how horrible, is, at least, allowed by God. God *always* gives you the strength and the wisdom to deal with anything if you ask Him humbly for it.

Probability is the chance that something will or will not happen?

Usually, probability is the chance that something will happen; but it can be will not happen as well.

What will happen when a car is traveling at steady speed?

That doesn't make sense. What do you mean, what will happen? Happen to what..?

Related questions

Why is cyber bullying such a huge deal to everybody?

Cyberbullying can lead to, in some cases, suicidal thoughts/actions in serious cases. Cyberbullying is just bullying with electronics. Sometimes when things get drastic bad things can happen if it goes too far.

What does it mean to be a bystander to cyberbullying?

Being a bystander to cyberbullying means witnessing acts of online harassment or bullying and choosing not to intervene or take action. Bystanders have the power to make a difference by reporting or standing up against cyberbullying, but by choosing to remain passive, they inadvertently enable the behavior to continue. It is important to actively support the target and create a safe online environment by speaking out against cyberbullying.

How often does cyberbullying occur?

Cyber-bullying happens almost every day. Cyber-bullying will not stop with today's increase in technology, mostly in the department of communication. For instance, the iPhone can be used to text others rudely, being cyber-ullying. Cyber-bullying is the only untrackable, virtually untraceable network where anything and everything can happen within a matter of seconds.

Does bullying only happen with children?

Bullying can happen to anyone. It can happen to you when you're an adult, teen, and elder years.

Can cyberbullying happen in phones?

Yes it can happen on phones especially through texting.

How can verbal bullying happen?

if someone is teasing you that is verbal bullying

What happen to the victims of Cyber bullying?

If worst comes to worst, the victims might not be able to handle it anymore and end up killing themselves.

Can cyberbullying happen to anyone?

Yes, anyone anywhere in the world.

What are the main types of bullying?

Cyber bullying verbal bullying physical bullying or verbal physical and gang bullying gang bullying is a group bullying a single person all together therefore gang (grouped up) bullying hurts and scars even more

What will happen if you computer abuse someone?

Cyberbullying is not tolerated on this site. If it's not the norm, and an isolated incident, it'll most likely result in a warning. However, if it isn't isolated, or happens repetitively, the person doing the bullying will be suspended from the site. If you mean in general, you might get in trouble with your school or even the law.

How common is bullying?

It doesn't occur often but it happens way more often now than it has in the past, most specifically cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is a type of bullying that occurs when someone tells someone else harsh or hurtful things over the internet. In fact cyberbullying is the number one cause for teenage suicides in America.

How devastating can text bullying become?

Text bullying is even worse than being bullied on a face to face bullying at school because the person can hide behind texting. It is generally girls who do the most damage by spreading untrue gossip or just picking the victim apart, but it also can happen to boys. The devastation is that the constant and persistent text bullying hurts the victim deeply; makes them feel alienated from others; they can become depressed; loss of appetite; school grades go down dramatically; they stay in their rooms from family and some victims cannot stop checking out their text messages from a bully even they are aware the text will upset them. Sometimes text messaging to bully a victim can cause the victim to take their own life. Teachers; counselors at school; some students who are not bullies; parents and even the police are more pro active to stop bullying and change the laws when a bully is doing damage to their victim. Society as a whole is say 'NO' to any type of bullying.