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The same as anyone else. Use it to find out the atmospheric pressure

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Q: What would a baron do with a barometer?
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What is the metric unit of measure for barometer?

A barometer measures pressure, and the SI unit for pressure is the Pascal, equivalent to Newtons / square meter.

Are barometers related to math Actually me in class 6 and have a math project on how math is used in daily life i thought a barometer would do. any ideas and is a barometer realted to math?

No! Barometers are not related to maths. They are devices used to measure atmospheric pressure... You may not be able to use barometers for maths project. - Abid

Is a barometer used to measure the mass of an object?

No it is used to measure pressure

When you read a barometer what decimal place should your measurement be in?

poo in it then eat it

How many meters deep is 10 barometers?

A barometer is a device for measuring atmospheric pressure - NOT distance or depth !

Related questions

What would a baron do to a barometer?

He would use it to measure air pressure.

When would the barometer be used?

The most commonly barometer used today would be a Aneroid.

Would it be hot or cold if a barometer was dropping?

A barometer does not measure temperature it measures pressure.

What words start with the word baro?

Words that start with "baro" include barometer, baroque, baron, and baroness.

What would a barometer reading be if you there was no barometric pressure?

A barometer measures atmospheric pressure, so if there was no barometric pressure, the barometer reading would likely show a value of zero or indicate an error. Atmospheric pressure is necessary for the functioning of a barometer.

How do you put the word Barometer in a sentence?

The barometer was rising so we thought it would be a good day for a picnic

Why would a water barometer have to be 13.6 times taller than a mercury barometer?

A barometer using water,would need to be 13.6 times taller than a mercury barometer to obtain the same pressure difference. This is because mercury is 13.6 times more dense than water.

If Torricelli had drilled a little hole at the top of a glass tube holding his mercury column what would have happened to his barometer?

He would not have had a barometer. He would have had a glass tube stuck into a bowl of Mercury, with nothing in it. Because once the hole was made the vacuum would be gone and the mercury would fall back down to the bowl.It takes the vacuum in the tube to create a barometer.

What where some hobbies a medieval baron would do?

Hunting would be a baron's prime interest.

Who would use a barometer?

meteorologists use barometers

Air pressure is typically measured with a?

Air pressure is measured with a barometer.

What instruments are used to measure the atmospheric pressure?

Barometers, such as mercury and aneroid barometers, are commonly used to measure atmospheric pressure. Other instruments like electronic pressure sensors and weather balloons equipped with instruments can also measure atmospheric pressure.