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Q: What words means the same meaning as hesitation?
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Related questions

Is continuation and hesitation the same or opposite?

Continuation and Hesitation are opposites. Continuation means "a continuing of" so it basically means ongoing. Hesitation means "to pause something" so it basically means pausing.

What word means words having the same meaning?

Synonyms are two or more words that have the same meaning.

Does hesitation rhyme with aggravation?

No, hesitation and aggravation do not rhyme. Rhyme is based on the similarity of the sound at the end of two words, and in this case, the endings of these two words do not sound the same.

What is a that means words with the same a nearly the same meaning?

I believe you are looking for the word synonym.

What is the etymology of homophone?

The word "homophone" is derived from the Greek words "homos" meaning "same" and "phōnē" meaning "sound." It refers to words that have the same (or similar) pronunciation but different meanings and spellings.

What other words have the same meaning as with?

on norwegean they say med that means with

What is the etomology for homophone?

The word "homophone" comes from the Greek roots "homo-" meaning "same" and "-phone" meaning "sound". It refers to words that sound the same but have different meanings and often different spellings.

A word that means the same thing as another word?

Two or more words in the same language with the same or very similar meaning (like "huge," "large" and "enormous") are synonyms.

What do you call words that have the same meaning?

== == Similar words are called "synonyms."Synonyms

What means the same as tedious?

There are several words that have the same meaning and use as the word tedious. Some of these words include boring, dull, repetitive, and uneventful.

Are slang words synonymous?

With what? Synonymous means that something has the same meaning, so you have to be more specific. Some slang words mean the same as other words, but some don't.

Is continuation hesitation the same or opposite?

Continuation hesitation is when a speaker pauses or hesitates between words or phrases while continuing to speak. It is not the same as simply pausing or stopping speaking altogether, as in a pregnant pause or a deliberate pause for effect.