The word 'answer' has 2 syllables. An-swer.
There are four syllables in the word "usually".
There is 1 syllable in there. I thought it was 2 but its only 1. If there were more of the syllables It couldn't be more. Its only 1
There are three syllables in the word syllables.
There are four syllables. Val-u-a-ble.
There are four syllables in the word valuable. Although some consider it a three syllable word due to its common mispronunciation.
Never leave your valuables in your vehicle!
No, there are no words with more syllables than letters. Syllables are made up of letters, so a word with more syllables would naturally have more letters.
There are five syllables. Each word has one syllable.
Each word in this sentence has only one syllable. There are seven words, so there are seven syllables in the sentence.
There are three syllables in the word anymore which are a ny more
The word "indiscriminately" has six syllables. An example of the word "indiscriminately" in a sentence is "The soldiers fired at the crowd indiscriminately. "