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Q: What word appears sixty times in the NT before the name Jesus Christ?
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What does Christ name mean?

No. Christ is from the Greek word transliterared as Christos, meaning ' the anointed one'. The Greek word for God is Theos.And the Islamic view is that:The Holy Quran refers to Jesus as "Eesa", and this name is used more times than any other title, because this was his "Christian"1 name. Actually, his proper name was "Eesa" (Arabic), or "Esau". (Hebrew); classical "Yeheshua", which the Christian nations of the West Latinised as Jesus.Neither the "J" nor the second "s" in the name Jesus is to be found in the original tongue - they are not found in the Semitic languages.The word is very simply - "E S A U" - a very common Jewish name, used more than sixty times in the very first booklet alone of the Bible, in the part called "Genesis". There was at least one "Jesus" sitting on the"bench" at the trial of Jesus before the Sanhedrin. Josephus the Jewish historian mentions some twenty five Jesus' in his "Book of Antiquities". The New Testament speaks of "Bar-Jesus"- a magician and a sorcerer, a false prophet (Act 13:6); and also "Jesus-Justus" - a Christian missionary, a contemporary of Paul (Colossians 4:11). These are distinct from Jesus the son of Mary. Transforming "Esau" to (J)esu(s) - Jesus - makes it unique. This unique (?) name has gone out of currency among the Jews and the Christians from the 2nd century after Christ. Among the Jews, because it came to be the proper name of their God(?) - their God incarnate. The Muslim will not hesitate to name his son - "Eesa" - because it is an honoured name, the name of a righteous servant of the Lord.Messiah, because he could cure people.Read more: What_do_people_meen_when_they_call_jesus_the_messiah

Did Jesus ever state that he was a Christian?

Islamic answerYou have to understand first that word Christ is from the Greek word transliterated as Christos, meaning ' the anointed one'. The Greek word for God is Theos. So he was never meant to be called a God!Since he was not a God but received messages from the God, that would make him the Messenger.Now who did messengers before him worshiped? The One and Only God.So he also prayed to the same God who made Adam and Eve without any parents, Noah, David, Solomon, Moses, Abrahan, Jacob, Yusuf, Isaq, Ismael Jesus and Mohammad (pbuh)Since the word Christ did not exist and Jesus never claimed to be a Christian therefore common sense would tell you its all human made additions to the Holy Book, people became the author of the Book of God!!! Major sin to mislead people about their faith.And about the name:The Holy Quran refers to Jesus as "Eesa", and this name is used more times than any other title, because this was his "Christian"1 name. Actually, his proper name was "Eesa" (Arabic), or "Esau". (Hebrew); classical "Yeheshua", which the Christian nations of the West Latinised as Jesus.Neither the "J" nor the second "s" in the name Jesus is to be found in the original tongue - they are not found in the Semitic languages.The word is very simply - "E S A U" - a very common Jewish name, used more than sixty times in the very first booklet alone of the Bible, in the part called "Genesis". There was at least one "Jesus" sitting on the"bench" at the trial of Jesus before the Sanhedrin. Josephus the Jewish historian mentions some twenty five Jesus' in his "Book of Antiquities". The New Testament speaks of "Bar-Jesus"- a magician and a sorcerer, a false prophet (Act 13:6); and also "Jesus-Justus" - a Christian missionary, a contemporary of Paul (Colossians 4:11). These are distinct from Jesus the son of Mary. Transforming "Esau" to (J)esu(s) - Jesus - makes it unique. This unique (?) name has gone out of currency among the Jews and the Christians from the 2nd century after Christ. Among the Jews, because it came to be the proper name of their God(?) - their God incarnate. The Muslim will not hesitate to name his son - "Eesa" - because it is an honoured name, the name of a righteous servant of the Lord.Christian answerNo. "Christian" means: follower of Christ (or "little Christ"), and since Jesus was/is the Christ, he wouldn't call himself Christian.

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